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December 19, 2024

Discover the Most Popular Dating and Relationship Posts of 2024

If you’re single or single again, you won’t want to miss the "Best of 2024" Living Single Today blog posts—the most-read posts from the past year. 

In case you missed any of them, here’s a list of the Top 10. 

Read each post and be encouraged! Share the links with your single friends, too. 

1.    7 Powerful Dating Secrets for Christian Women Who Want True Love

Dating and relationships shouldn't have to be so difficult. I mean, all you have to do is find someone amazing who thinks you're amazing too. You meet. You connect. You keep on connecting. 

He likes you. You like him. You commit. How hard can it be?

Well, for some of my married friends, it seems like a walk in the park. For instance, Luke and Becca (not their real names), met in our church singles group, got married a year later, and had two beautiful children.
While I am truly joyful for my happily married friends, I also wonder why it's so hard for the rest of us to find the person who’s the best fit and build a life together.

Here are seven things (hard-won life lessons I wish I would have known sooner) that could very well make your dating life more positive, healthy, and joyful.

2.    Mixed Signals: Are We Dating or Just Friends?

There's this guy—let's call him Chad—who texts you all the time. He seems like a nice guy, but you're not really sure where you stand with him. Chad often asks you to come over and "hang out," and you talk a lot. 

Is this relationship going anywhere? Is this even a real "relationship"?

It all gets even more uncertain when Chad wants to snuggle next to you—or more—when you're watching a movie together at his place. And the next day he’s totally oblivious to anything that happened between you two.

Or, you don't hear from him for days or weeks. 

When a guy sends mixed signals—such as treating you like a girlfriend one minute and then treating you like you're "just friends" the next (or ignoring you completely)—it's like a driver who flashes his left turn signal, and then suddenly turns his car to the right. It's confusing—and it can be dangerous for your heart. 

3.    5 Lies Singles Believe—and What to do Differently

It's not always easy being a single person. Especially when well-meaning friends, relatives, or church people try to "encourage" you, but end up misleading you. Or worse, lying to you. And often, they don't even know that they're doing so. 

They think they're being helpful. Instead, you find yourself cringing at their comments or wilting emotionally like a hydrangea on a hot summer day. 

Perhaps, sadly, some of these misconceptions are things you've told yourself about dating, marriage, and the single life. It's time to shed some light on five lies that singles often believe—and the truth that can set you free. 

4.    7 Great Ways Singles Can Overcome Loneliness

Ah, the single life. Sometimes we're content, and other times it's not easy being alone. After the day ends, when your friends have gone home, and all your devices are turned off, you may just feel a twinge of loneliness. 

Then there's the "Sunday afternoon" effect. You may connect with people at church in the morning and then, as the afternoon lingers on, you feel disconnected. Lonely. They have their families, and you drive back to an empty apartment. 

Coupled or uncoupled, we all feel lonely at times. It's normal, to be sure, but it can be hard to talk about. Even your friends may not always understand. Thankfully, you don't need to be embarrassed about feeling lonely. Here's help and hope.  

5.    6 Reasons Why You’re Not Married Yet 

Lately, I’ve been pondering why I’m not married. At least, not yet. 

Maybe it was the wedding invitation I received last week that sparked this contemplation. Or, the fact that I’ve been reading countless Facebook posts from married friends—about everything from their kid’s piano recitals, to their family vacation in the Tetons, to the news that they’re pregnant again—and I’m still trying to get a date.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for my married friends. Truly. And, I have a full life. I have a job I like. I write books. I lead a Bible study for singles. I connect regularly with my family, and I’m grateful for my amazing friends. But I still desire to know the joy of married love.

Why has lasting love eluded us? Why are we still single? Let’s explore some ideas.

6.    Dating: Becoming the Right Person

Why do I always fall for the wrong guys? Why do the people I date break up with me? How can I make better choices in my next relationship?

Dating can be fun, but it's also challenging and unpredictable. Often we choose people to go out with who are not a good match because we're not clear on who we are or what we really want. 

In order to do things differently—and find a special someone who's a good match—you need clarity. It's been said that in order to find the right person to date, you need to become the right person. 

7.    5 Essential Qualities to Look For When Dating 

My friend Heidi once said, "The difference between the wrong man and the right man is like the difference between the darkest night and the brightest day."

On the journey to finding lasting love, one of the most important things I've learned is that it's important to know what you want—and don't want—in a man to date.

Think about the kind of people you've picked in the past. What went wrong? And, what do you want to be different in your next relationship? 

8.    Feeling Isolated? 6 Great Ways Singles Can Get Connected

Allison has a solitary life. Every workday she sits behind a computer, alone in a small cubicle. Most every night, she sinks into the couch to watch TV—or endlessly scroll social media. She has a sense of "virtual community," but not many in-person friends. Because of her lack of social skills, Allison often feels lonely. 

Perhaps your story is different. You're single—and you have a mostly meaningful life—but you still feel isolated or alone at times. How can you feel more connected when we live in a time when people are more disconnected than ever? 

9.    Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt

Is it truly possible to "love like you've never been hurt"?

Perhaps you can relate. Maybe you have a wayward son or daughter, and it breaks your heart that he or she is so far from the God who loves them. Perhaps your boyfriend dumped you or your friend’s sarcasm is often more hurtful than humorous. Could it be that someone you care about has given you the silent treatment for months?

Or something else has wounded you? 

10.    Uncovering the Truth About Forgiveness

If you've ever had your home or car broken into, you know how violating such an act can feel. It's happened to me twice. Break-ins to your vehicle are one thing; break-ins to your inner life can be devastating. 

Perhaps you've known the sting of rejection or betrayal from a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or friend. Whether it's a slap across the face or a slap across the heart, abuse of any kind is hurtful—and simply wrong. 

We all handle pain differently. But emotional pain doesn't have to stay inside festering. Brokenness can be restored. Let's uncover the healing truth about the power of forgiveness in broken relationships. 

Thanks for reading the Living Single Today blog! I hope it blesses and encourages you all year long. 

If you have a suggestion for a topic you’d like to read about on the blog in the areas of dating, relationships, or living the Christian life, let me know. I’d love to hear from you. Contact me at: jackie@jackiejohnsoncreative.com

Blessings and joy, 


Jackie M. Johnson is an author and blogger who writes inspiring content on growing a better life, the power of prayer, and encouragement for singles. Jackie has a heart to encourage single adults of all ages, and she has led numerous small groups and Bible studies for singles. Her books include the breakup recovery guide, When Love Ends and the Ice Cream Carton Is Empty, Power Prayers for Women, and Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough. Connect with Jackie at JackieJohnsonCreative.com.