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January 08, 2024

Love Like You've Never Been Hurt

Getting hurt is a part of life.

"It is inevitable," says New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin, "that someone has already…
broken your heart,
abandoned you,
said something hurtful to you,
disappointed you,
let you down,
or rejected you."
And now, because of that hurt and pain, you're living with resentment, anger, bitterness or brokenness. Your heart is closed. Slammed shut. You don't want to open your heart to love again.

The pain of the past may have you wrestling with questions such as, Why should I trust again? and How can I ever forgive?

Intrigued by the title—and Mr. Franklin's appearance on Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk radio broadcast, I recently read Franklin's, book Love Like You've Never Been Hurt: Hope, Healing and the Power of an Open Heart.

Is it truly possible to "love like you've never been hurt"?

Perhaps you can relate. Maybe you have a wayward son or daughter, and it breaks your heart that he or she is so far from the God who loves them. Perhaps your boyfriend dumped you or your spouse's sarcasm is often more hurtful than humorous. Could it be that someone you care about has given you the silent treatment for months?

Or something else has wounded you?

We've all felt the sting of disappointment or the searing emotions of being burned by words or actions.

"God did not intend for us to be the walking wounded," Franklin says. "He intended for us—for all of us—to be whole." And the only way to do that is to love like you've never been hurt.

Love like you've never been hurt. Sounds good. But how in the world does that happen?

To be sure, it's not always easy. Especially if you have been through a lot of pain and angst in your life. But it is possible. Here are some nuggets I gleaned from Jentezen Franklin's book:

• The pain you feel today is the pain you can heal.
• Choose love over hurt. Choose to love others—always.
• It is okay to love someone from a distance. Sometimes that is the healthiest thing to do.
• It's never wrong to love people who have messed up. You do not compromise your faith when you love.
• It is unforgivable not to forgive. Stop keeping score of offenses and start losing count.

For more information, listen to the Family Talk broadcast of Jentezen Franklin's "Love Like You've Never Been Hurt."

Here's to finding the strength and courage to live with an open, trusting hurt—and love again.