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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper



A Portrait of George H.W. Bush: Dr. Dobson Honors America’s 41st President

Today on this special edition of Family Talk, Dr. Dobson honors the life and legacy of President George H.W. Bush. He reflects on their many years of friendship, then replays his interview with our ...

Resentment: Cancer of the Emotions

Harboring hatred or animosity towards someone for the hurt they caused you can eat away at your mind and soul. On this edition of Family Talk, Dr. Dobson talks with clinical psychologist Dr. Arch ...

As I See It - Part 2

God is our constant source of shelter, even when we ‘walk through the valley of death’. On this Family Talk broadcast, Dr. Dobson concludes his conversation with Cathe Laurie, author of As I See It. ...

The 40-Year War on the American Family

Over four decades, Dr. James Dobson has warned us about menacing threats to the traditional family. Today, he shares his current concerns as a guest on "The Suzanne Venker Show." They discuss the ...

Betrayed: How Pornography Wrecked My Marriage

Pornography is an evil that warps the minds of many young people, with an addiction stronger than most drugs. Today Dr. Dobson welcomes author Nancy Blake to the Family Talk studios. She opens up ...

Restoration of the American Family: The Road Ahead

The institution of the family is in danger of collapsing under the pressures from this progressive culture. Today on Family Talk, Dr. Dobson addresses these threats against parents and marriages ...

I Have Walked with the Living God

Reflecting on his life, the Apostle Paul wrote, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7) On this Family Talk broadcast, Dr. James Dobson chats ...

Happy 60th Anniversary, Jim and Shirley!

On this very special day on the Family Talk broadcast, Jim and Shirley Dobson celebrate 60 years of marriage! Listen in as they playfully reminisce and reflect on their relationship and family, the ...