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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper



American Marxism

On today’s edition of Family Talk, Mark Levin, author of American Marxism, describes the stark differences between Marxism and our founding fathers’ vision for America: repression vs. ...

Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt- Hope, Healing and the Power of an Open Heart

Jentezen (pronounced JEN-sen) Franklin, a “preacher's kid,” went down the wrong path in high school like so many youngsters do. After hearing a sermon from a Trinidad missionary, he started his adult ...

Encouraging Enterprising Moms

Carrie Wilkerson was over $100,000 in debt and 145 pounds overweight. Because she had been inattentive to details in her business and with her health, both had gotten out of control. On today’s ...

Christianity and Wokeness: How the Social Justice Movement is Hijacking the Gospel

"Wokeness" is a modern-day heresy which is incompatible with Christianity, according to theologian Dr. Owen Strachan, author of Christianity and Wokeness: How the Social Justice Movement Is ...

God's Model for Fatherhood

Renowned author and Christian apologist, Josh McDowell, joins Dr. James Dobson to discuss his book, The Father Connection. Despite being raised by an abusive, alcoholic father, Josh ...

Plugged In: Teaching Your Children To Be Media Savvy

Is your family honoring God with its media choices? Bob Waliszewski, former director of PluggedIn.com, joins Dr. James Dobson to discuss what to look out for in today’s media culture. His experience ...

Religious Liberty at a Crossroads: Stand Up, Be Heard, or Else!

In this part 2 edition, guest Kelly Shackelford, president of First Liberty Institute, warns Dr. James Dobson that President Biden wants to "pack" the Supreme Court with four additional justices. If ...

Understanding Autism: Supporting Struggling Parents

When pediatrician Dr. Jerry Kartzinel puts autistic children on a dairy and gluten-free diet, 75% of them respond dramatically—like a fog has lifted! He analogizes that these kids are like computers ...