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Latest Broadcast

Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper



Unplanned: The Story of Abby Johnson

On this special Family Talk broadcast, Dr. Tim Clinton sits down with pro-life advocate Abby Johnson and actress Ashley Bratcher. Abby shares how her former position as a Director at Planned ...

As I See It - Part 2

God is our constant source of shelter, even when we ‘walk through the valley of death’. On this Family Talk broadcast, Dr. Dobson concludes his conversation with Cathe Laurie, author of As I See It. ...

Dr. James Dobson - October 2020 Newsletter (video)

Dr. James Dobson shares his final personal thoughts before our national election, urging voters to become fully informed about the stark differences between our two candidates for President of the ...

The 40-Year War on the American Family

Over four decades, Dr. James Dobson has warned us about menacing threats to the traditional family. Today, he shares his current concerns as a guest on "The Suzanne Venker Show." They discuss the ...

The Judicial System

Faith Votes

Betrayed: How Pornography Wrecked My Marriage

Pornography is an evil that warps the minds of many young people, with an addiction stronger than most drugs. Today Dr. Dobson welcomes author Nancy Blake to the Family Talk studios. She opens up ...

A Nation Under God?

What does God expect from those who hold political office in America? Pastor John MacArthur explores the concept of God-ordained civic leadership and points to godly characteristics of leaders ...

Charlie Kirk: America at a Turning Point

America is rapidly approaching an ideological crossroad with potentially ruinous implications for future generations. Dr. James Dobson contemplates this critical time in our nation’s history with ...