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Guest: Dee Brestin

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A Conversation with the Pro-Life Doc

As the Supreme Court seems poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, Lord willing, it’s imperative for America’s Bible-believing pastors to preach Genesis 1:26, Jeremiah 1:5, and Psalm 139. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. William Lile adds that the fight for life is not just a battle for God’s preborn, but a battle for the heart and soul of this nation. The “pro-life doc” points out that now is the time to be preparing the church and pro-life organizations for what’s to come. He points to the irony that Congress penalizes those who disturb the freshly laid eggs of endangered sea turtles on the beach with a $100,000 fine, while a woman can terminate her pregnancy in any trimester with no legal repercussions. Dr. Lile states that every Christian, like the biblical Esther, must be prepared to become a voice for the voiceless “for such a time as this.”

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