Dr. Dobson Remembers Chuck Colson

Dear friends,
Thank you, once again, for allowing me to come into your home each month to share some thoughts from my heart. This is what is on my mind today. As you know, my close friend, Chuck Colson, went to be with the Lord a couple of weeks ago; which is a great loss to millions of Christians around the world. I wrote these words on the day he slipped away.
The world has lost one of the most brilliant Christian leaders and articulators of the faith, Chuck Colson. He was a scholar, a constitutional lawyer, and a compassionate humanitarian who befriended countless lost and lonely prisoners for nearly 40 years. He wrote and sold millions of copies of his much-loved books, while giving most of the royalties to support Prison Fellowship. Instead of basking in wealth, he and his precious wife, Patty, chose to live humbly and frugally. He defended time-honored principles of righteousness in the culture without compromise or equivocation.
Chuck Colson was a Marine captain (there are no ex-Marines) and was clearly a man’s man. He was a brother to me, and I grieve his loss. His influence on my life has been profound. I look forward to seeing this godly soldier in heaven some day. I am certain he has now heard these words of welcome from His Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
A mutual friend suggested in 1984 that Chuck and I had much in common and that we should get acquainted. I invited him to come to my office soon after, and for the next four hours, we talked excitedly about the culture, our shared faith, the institution of the family, and many more topics. It was like putting a match to gasoline, and it became the beginning of a lifelong friendship.
As that conversation in 1984 came to a close, I suggested that we go down the hall to my small radio studio and record a program on one of the topics we had discussed. We sat down, without notes or preparation, and recorded five broadcasts in the next two hours. I have aired and re-aired that series at least 10 times through the years. We call it “a classic” today. I also aired it again a couple of weeks ago, and you can hear three of the programs online at our website, www.drjamesdobson.org.
Our friendship continued to grow until three weeks before his death when we held our final conversation. We discussed the moral decay taking place around us and the nation’s desperate need for new leadership. So many cherished moments occurred when we were together. I will miss those times for as long as I live.
In 1989, during one of his visits to California to record a radio broadcast, I was complaining about an unfair lawsuit brought against our ministry. Chuck suddenly turned to me and said, “Jim, God has called you to do an important work. Don’t look to the right or the left. Just go out and do it!” And I did!
I thank the Lord for bringing godly men such as Chuck Colson, Adrian Rogers and Bill Bright into my life to replace the enormous influence my father had on me until his death in 1977. Now they are gone, and I’m doing the best I can to carry on the mission and message of my life. The Lord continues to bless the work of Family Talk. It is in its third year, and we are thoroughly enjoying speaking and writing about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The challenge we now face is that the institution of the family is deteriorating day by day. Millions of people are struggling to raise their children in a shock-wave world where the culture is doing everything it can to capture the hearts and minds of vulnerable children. Marriage is on the ropes, and the moral character of the nation is in decline.
That is why I chose not to retire after I resigned from the ministry I had led for three decades. The Lord seemed to tell me that my work was not finished. I am determined to reach out to families in need for as long as I have breath in my body.
Our theme verse here at Family Talk is found in Proverbs 24:3, which says, “Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established.” We know none of us can be the husbands, wives, parents, grandparents, sons or daughters that we need to be without divine assistance. If this ministry can assist you or introduce you to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, we invite you to call on us. Our phone number is 877.732.6825. You can also hear our daily broadcast on 700 radio outlets, and we can be heard 24 hours a day online by clicking on our website, www.drjamesdobson.org.
I am thankful for your interest and involvement with this organization. Please join me in praying for the Colson family and for Prison Fellowship. Its vital work must not suffer. Pray, too, for Family Talk to stay the course that God has set before us. We would also appreciate your financial support if that is possible.
Blessings to you and your family,

James C. Dobson, Ph.D.
President and Founder
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