Q. With the recent passage of the Healthcare Reform Act by Congress, this nation experienced its most regrettable leap toward socialism and socialized medicine. The legislation also created public funding for abortion, which each citizen will be required to support with his or her taxes. We are deeply disturbed by these developments, and wonder why you have not spoken in opposition them. We assume it is because you are no longer interested in public policy, and have abandoned the fight for the sanctity of human life and free enterprise. Is this accurate?
A. No, it is entirely untrue! The government’s takeover of the nation’s healthcare system and its assault on the sanctity of human life are unmitigated disasters! I watched with sadness and alarm as extremists in Congress violated the Constitution and shredded the cherished principles on which it is based. Nevertheless, because you haven’t heard from me in recent weeks, you have concluded that I no longer care about the plight of the unborn child or our free enterprise system. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Please understand that for the first time in 33 years, I have no microphone with which to express my views. It has been an extremely frustrating time for me in a “black hole.” To give voice to my concerns, I accepted invitations last week from other radio talk show programs to discuss the disturbing issues before us. For example, I was interviewed as a private citizen on the Dennis Prager Show, the Hugh Hewitt Show, the Mike Gallagher Show, the Janet Mefferd Show, and the Frank Pastore Show. I also recorded two Public Service Announcements that were heard all around the country.
We are working tirelessly to go on the air with our new ministry, Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson. The format will allow us not only to discuss public policy issues that directly affect the family, but also the institution of the family, itself, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are excited about how this new organization is coming together, and have been witnessing God’s blessings in dramatic ways. The launch date is May 3rd. Our most serious questions concern the breadth of our initial reach on radio, and of course, they come down to available funding. Any financial assistance our friends can provide in that regard would certainly be appreciated. Just contact us at Family Talk, 540 Elkton Drive, Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO 80907. You will see tabs at the top-right side of this page for use in donating to the ministry or contacting us. Please tell your friends about this website, too, at You might also want to call your local Christian radio stations to express your interest in our upcoming broadcast, and then offer to assist them with your patronage and support. Thank you.
Let me assure you again that we have NOT, and will not, abandon our commitment to morality, liberty, the sanctity of human life, marriage and parenthood, and the essentials of our Christian faith! Those eternal verities will never change.
Pass it on.
James Dobson, Ph.D