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Matt & Ariel Holcomb

Growing up in Texas, Matt Holcomb was well acquainted with Dare to Discipline, by Dr. James Dobson. His parents relied heavily on the bestselling book. Back then, he didn’t appreciate the "discipline" part of his instruction as much as he does today. Matt and his wife Ariel now rely on the book just as his parents did to raise their two adopted children, Finn and Hazel Grace.

As a military pilot, Matt’s job has taken his family across the country and him around the world. With the constant moving, he and Ariel used the truths in this and other resources from the Dobson Family Institute to ground their marriage and their parenting in the Word of God. In 2021 their time in the military came to an end after almost 15 fantastic years.

Now they are slowly transitioning back to civilian life and plan to settle in West Texas where they met. As homeschooling parents, Matt and Ariel seek to apply the wisdom they’ve learned through the years so their children will know Christ and make Him known.

No Vile Thing

It's impossible to avoid technology in our society. So how can Christian parents protect their kids from stumbling onto depraved content that's available online? Matt and Ariel Holcomb understand ...

When Satan Uses Technology to Attack Your Home

Technology has provided an easy way for Satan to enter our homes with vile photos, videos, and messages that are harmful to our children. No matter how vigilant parents are, their kids can still find ...

Preparing Your Children For Online Temptations

No matter how vigilant parents are in trying to protect their children against the attacks of the enemy, Satan has a way of getting around safeguards. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain ...

Thinking Biblically in a Sea of Secular Ideas

The world bombards our children with messages that are ungodly and dangerous. Parents have a responsibility to help navigate them through the barrage of secular ideas. In this video, Matt and Ariel ...

Pure Lives

Teenagers who receive the active support of their family are much more likely to resist sexual temptation. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb give a vivid example, from Dr. James and Shirley ...

When Sarcasm Becomes Serious

Sarcasm can seem fun, but when we publicly target our spouse with harsh joking, it’s easy to cause damage. In this new video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb warn that even light-hearted comments can harm a ...

Games People Play

Playing games is supposed to be fun. But there’s one game you should never play with your spouse. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain what this game is and why it can do significant damage ...

When Our Kids See Us Fail

Stressful times and disagreements can make it hard to honor the Lord in front of our children. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that we don’t have to feel like we always need to be ...

Teaching Children to Love Others

It’s important to teach our kids what the Bible says about how to treat others. But it’s more critical to show them by example what that looks like every day. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb ...

A Simple Way to Show Honor and Respect to Our Spouse

There are going to be days when we fail to show honor to our spouse. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that this is why we should regularly speak highly of our partner in front of others. ...