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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

Guest: Laura Petherbridge

Marriage and Parenting

Marriage and Parenting

For years, families have found daily direction and inspiration from Dr. James and Shirley Dobson's best-selling devotional series Night Light for Couples and Night Light for Parents. The Dr. James Dobson Family Institute is excited to announce that these books' practical and biblically-based lessons are now available on video.

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Meet the Hosts

Pastor Brenen and Morgan

Pastor Brenen & Morgan Beeler

Pastor Brenen Beeler is the Senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Eagle, a non-denominational church based in the Treasure Valley in Idaho, the founder of Regenerate Ministries and has a national radio program Regenerate Radio.


Edwin and Katherin Reyes

Edwin and Katherin Reyes have been married since 2012 and have four children. They were high school sweethearts who met each other at church but were not walking with the Lord at the time.


Ron and Trina Alleyne

Ron and Trina Alleyne have been married for 17 years and live in the Atlanta metro area with their 6 children. Together, they serve their church and community and have a strong desire to help families grow in the grace of Christ.


Matt & Ariel Holcomb

As homeschooling parents, Matt and Ariel seek to apply the wisdom they’ve learned through the years so their children will know Christ and make Him known.

Ron and Trina Alleyne

Ron and Trina Alleyne have been married for 17 years and live in the Atlanta metro area with their 6 beautiful children.

Ron is a medical doctor serving as the director for Wellstar’s Center for Best Health in Atlanta. He grew up in Trinidad and Tobago and moved to the US at the age of 18. He had some exposure to the Gospel at a young age, but didn’t surrender to Jesus Christ until after college graduation.

As a stay-at-home mom, Trina has focused much of her time on raising and schooling her kids. The Lord saved her at the age of 25 and helped her escape a downward spiral of sin. She has a deep passion for fashion and design. After getting a degree in fashion design and marketing, she worked for Russell Athletic. She also has a degree in Christian Ministry from The Master’s University, teaches Bible studies for women and children, writes devotionals (Jesse Tree and Hope Tree), blogs, and sermon notebooks, and has taught teenagers about fashion from a biblical worldview (Fashioned for Christ).

Together, Ron and Trina serve their church and community and have a strong desire to help families grow in the grace of Christ.

How to Weather Financial Storms

Unexpected expenses have a way of popping up when we’re not able to afford them. A broken arm, car accident, and any number of unforeseen circumstances can deplete our finances if we’re not prepared. ...

How Should Christians Handle Money?

God calls Christians to “be holy in all we do” (1 Peter 1:15). Holiness means we are to be “set apart” by doing things according to God’s standard and not the world’s, including how we handle our ...

You Don't Have to Be a Victim of Circumstance

As our society moves further away from God and His Word, peace and tranquility are rare commodities. The stress caused by our divisive culture weighs heavily on many, resulting in depression, ...

The Dark Days of Marriage

Sometimes God’s presence is so real that it seems like we could touch Him. But other times, when nothing makes sense, it may feel as if He is far away. In those difficult days, it can be hard to ...

The Great Lie

Some moms and dads feel guilty over everything that goes wrong for their kids. This can eat away at their confidence and affect how they parent. Instead of leading biblically, they react with ...

When Satan Drives Us to Despair

According to 2 Corinthians 4:8, Satan works hard to drive us into despair, a place without hope. If he succeeds, we can feel depressed, anxious, and fearful. Our whole demeanor might even look ...

When Life Becomes Overwhelming

Dr. James Dobson said, “The natural reaction to hardships or circumstances is to say, ‘Lord, is this the way You treat Your own? I thought You cared for me, but I was wrong. I can't love a God like ...

Parenting Older Children When They Sin

When you teach your young children the Bible, it makes a vast difference in how you parent them as they become teens and young adults. Since they already are familiar with God’s Word, it’s not always ...

When Parents Feel Guilt

Every parent makes mistakes, which can cause feelings of guilt. This can lead to one’s spouse and children being affected, and eventually, it can create division in the home. In this video, Ron and ...

When a Child Is Headed in the Wrong Direction

When a child is heading in the wrong direction, it’s easy for Mom and Dad to feel lost and alone, not knowing how to deal with the crisis. In this video, Ron and Trina Alleyne provide insight on what ...

A Parent's Priority

Parents often feel a need to “fix” their kids. It’s easy to focus solely on correcting attitude and behavioral problems. In this new video, Ron and Trina Alleyne explain that parents need to place ...

Hitting the Jackpot

Did you know that one-third of lottery winners go bankrupt within 5 years? It’s called “the lottery curse.” This free cash flow was supposed to solve all their problems, but it only created more. In ...

Where is Your Treasure?

Studies show one of the primary reasons marriages fail is a couple’s inability to resolve their disagreements over money. In this new video, Ron and Trina Alleyne explain that when a husband and wife ...

Leaving "Victim" Behind

Today’s culture makes it seem like everyone has ample reason to be enraged at each other. In this new video, Ron and Trina Alleyne explain that this hatred is destroying our communities, but God has ...

The Trouble Paradox

It has been said that “misery loves company,” meaning that those who are suffering enjoy knowing others are struggling too. But that’s not pleasing to God. In this video, Ron and Trina Alleyne ...

Attitude Control

It’s been said that life is one of the greatest baseball pitchers ever – always throwing a curveball when we least expect it. No matter how hard we try, we can’t stop difficult events from happening. ...

He Is Still There

If you are a Christian parent who has lost a child, or perhaps you have one who is gravely ill, we want to encourage you. In this video, Ron and Trina Alleyne explain that your Heavenly Father has ...

Sharing Guilt

It’s easy for parents of grown children to think they’re responsible for their kids’ behavior. In this video, Ron and Trina Alleyne explain that no one, including mom and dad, can take the blame for ...

Space Flight

When children enter the teen years, it’s natural for them to pull away from mom and dad. They’re trying to spread their wings and fly, which can create apprehension in a parent’s heart. But in this ...

Parental Doubt

Are you a confident parent? Or do you doubt yourself and your ability to lead your children? If you’re full of uncertainty, Ron and Trina Alleyne explain in this video that you’re not alone. Their ...

Introducing Ron and Trina Alleyne

The fertility doctor told Ron and Trina Alleyne that they would never have their own biological children. All of the drugs, treatments, and procedures failed. And Trina found out that she would never ...