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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

Guest: Laura Petherbridge

Marriage and Parenting

Marriage and Parenting

For years, families have found daily direction and inspiration from Dr. James and Shirley Dobson's best-selling devotional series Night Light for Couples and Night Light for Parents. The Dr. James Dobson Family Institute is excited to announce that these books' practical and biblically-based lessons are now available on video.

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Meet the Hosts

Pastor Brenen and Morgan

Pastor Brenen & Morgan Beeler

Pastor Brenen Beeler is the Senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Eagle, a non-denominational church based in the Treasure Valley in Idaho, the founder of Regenerate Ministries and has a national radio program Regenerate Radio.


Edwin and Katherin Reyes

Edwin and Katherin Reyes have been married since 2012 and have four children. They were high school sweethearts who met each other at church but were not walking with the Lord at the time.


Ron and Trina Alleyne

Ron and Trina Alleyne have been married for 17 years and live in the Atlanta metro area with their 6 children. Together, they serve their church and community and have a strong desire to help families grow in the grace of Christ.


Matt & Ariel Holcomb

As homeschooling parents, Matt and Ariel seek to apply the wisdom they’ve learned through the years so their children will know Christ and make Him known.

Matt and Ariel Holcomb

Growing up in Texas, Matt Holcomb was well acquainted with Dare to Discipline, by Dr. James Dobson. His parents relied heavily on the bestselling book. Back then, he didn’t appreciate the "discipline" part of his instruction as much as he does today. Matt and his wife Ariel now rely on the book just as his parents did to raise their two adopted children, Finn and Hazel Grace.

As a military pilot, Matt’s job has taken his family across the country and him around the world. With the constant moving, he and Ariel used the truths in this and other resources from the Dobson Family Institute to ground their marriage and their parenting in the Word of God. In 2021 their time in the military came to an end after almost 15 fantastic years.

Now they are slowly transitioning back to civilian life and plan to settle in West Texas where they met. As homeschooling parents, Matt and Ariel seek to apply the wisdom they’ve learned through the years so their children will know Christ and make Him known.

No Vile Thing

It's impossible to avoid technology in our society. So how can Christian parents protect their kids from stumbling onto depraved content that's available online? Matt and Ariel Holcomb understand ...

When Satan Uses Technology to Attack Your Home

Technology has provided an easy way for Satan to enter our homes with vile photos, videos, and messages that are harmful to our children. No matter how vigilant parents are, their kids can still find ...

Preparing Your Children For Online Temptations

No matter how vigilant parents are in trying to protect their children against the attacks of the enemy, Satan has a way of getting around safeguards. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain ...

Thinking Biblically in a Sea of Secular Ideas

The world bombards our children with messages that are ungodly and dangerous. Parents have a responsibility to help navigate them through the barrage of secular ideas. In this video, Matt and Ariel ...

Pure Lives

Teenagers who receive the active support of their family are much more likely to resist sexual temptation. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb give a vivid example, from Dr. James and Shirley ...

When Sarcasm Becomes Serious

Sarcasm can seem fun, but when we publicly target our spouse with harsh joking, it’s easy to cause damage. In this new video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb warn that even light-hearted comments can harm a ...

Games People Play

Playing games is supposed to be fun. But there’s one game you should never play with your spouse. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain what this game is and why it can do significant damage ...

When Our Kids See Us Fail

Stressful times and disagreements can make it hard to honor the Lord in front of our children. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that we don’t have to feel like we always need to be ...

Teaching Children to Love Others

It’s important to teach our kids what the Bible says about how to treat others. But it’s more critical to show them by example what that looks like every day. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb ...

A Simple Way to Show Honor and Respect to Our Spouse

There are going to be days when we fail to show honor to our spouse. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that this is why we should regularly speak highly of our partner in front of others. ...

Outside of the Ordinary

Husbands, would you like to bring a smile to your wife’s face today? Matt and Ariel Holcomb suggest doing something out of the ordinary. Stop by the store and buy flowers, or offer to cook her ...

Raising Children to Love God's Word

Raising children to love God’s Word doesn’t happen by accident. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that Mom and Dad need to be purposeful in leading their kids to read the Bible, study it, ...

Helping Your Children Walk in Relationship With the Lord

When God blesses you with children, He wants you to encourage them to walk in a close relationship with Him. One way to prioritize that is to pray with and for your kids daily. In this video, Matt ...

When You’re Dissatisfied With Your Spouse

There will be times in marriage when we will become dissatisfied with our spouse. Maybe he or she isn’t doing something we expect, or perhaps there are character or personality flaws that embarrass ...

When Marriage Is Lonely and Seems Hopeless

If intimacy is eroding in your marriage, the growing distance between you and your spouse can lead to bitterness and frustration. The loneliness can seem inescapable. In this video, Matt and Ariel ...

Contemplating Divorce

Imagine walking out on your spouse because he or she boiled potatoes at the wrong time. It sounds immature, but it happened to Matt and Ariel Holcomb. In this very personal video, they reveal many of ...

Many Troubles

When the Apostle Paul wrote, “Those who marry will face many troubles in this life” (1 Corinthians 7:28), he wasn’t kidding! While marriage has its challenges, God created this unique relationship to ...

No Fault

Since the inception of no-fault divorce in 1969, these laws have devastated families. They make ending marriage too simple, resulting in over 50% of first-time unions falling apart. In this new ...

Why God Hates Divorce

Many couples think there’s nothing wrong with no-fault divorce. They might say, “We don’t get along, so why should we stay together?” In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that God is the one ...

The Spiritual Consequence of Unresolved Conflict

When married couples experience conflict or separation, they cope with the stress in different ways. Some might withdraw or try to find ways of escape, while others become angry or controlling. In ...

The Health Benefits of Marriage

When a married couple has a close, intimate relationship, it provides security that leads to peace in the home. Research shows this calming effect has physical benefits too, such as reducing blood ...

The Health Risks of Divorce

The toll of divorce on one's health is often overlooked. However, research shows that when a marriage ends, this highly stressful and emotional experience can have a profound impact on a person's ...

Divorce and Kids

Time heals many wounds, but the effect of a divorce on the most vulnerable in the family may never mend completely. In this new video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that the impact on kids is far ...

How Divorce Impacts Children

After a divorce, parents often share custody of their kids. What happens to a child when he or she has to leave one parent's home to visit the other? In this very personal video, Matt and Ariel ...

How Divorce Affects a Child's View of God

The wounds that occur in marriage often seem so deep they can’t be healed or forgiven. Anger, bitterness, and even hatred can develop because of sins against each other, and all of these emotions can ...

Don’t Let Your Marriage Die

Staying married today can be hard, even for Christians. Sadly, the divorce rate for those in the church is just as high as it is for the rest of our society. But ending this covenantal relationship ...

A Portrait of Marriage

Even before sin entered the world in the Garden of Eden, God created marriage as a picture of the relationship between Christ and His church. This is how precious this institution is to our Heavenly ...

Genuine Delight in Marriage

It’s easy for us to imagine ourselves in a better situation than we are in right now. This is especially true when conflict in marriage becomes unbearable. Christians must be wary of allowing our ...

The Real Moral Authority

Today’s culture is at war with you over the hearts and minds of your kids. Society celebrates sinful behavior and promotes it as right and good. Schools are indoctrinating children to accept wicked ...

The Problem With Man's View of Sex

Throughout history, the “anything goes” view of sex has led to the destruction of individuals and even societies. This is why parents can’t trust the media and schools to teach their children about ...

Teaching Children About the Consequences of Sexual Sin

It’s hard for teenagers to understand the consequences of sexual sin until it’s too late. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain how they use the Bible to teach their children the importance ...

Talk to Your Teens About the Dangers of Drug Use Today

Teenagers are dying because of recreational drugs like never before. According to the CDC, “The rate of overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids in 2021 was nearly 22 times the rate in 2013.” With ...

Help Your Kids Avoid Drugs and Other Teenage Problems

When your kids become teenagers, the world will present them with a plethora of temptations, including recreational drugs. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that the best way to help your ...

Our Children Belong to the Lord

One of the hardest truths every mom and dad must learn is that the children whom the Lord has blessed you with belong to Him, not you. That includes the government and anyone else who feels a sense ...

Training Children to Be Peaceful in an Age of Violence

It’s almost impossible to turn on the TV or watch a movie and not see an overabundance of fighting and hostility. Violence is everywhere, whether on the news or in our entertainment. In this video, ...

Parenting With Positive Media Messages

Shielding our children from harmful forms of entertainment isn’t just about prohibiting them from watching destructive images. Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that it’s also about filling their minds ...

Teaching Children to Be Peacemakers

Our world is filled with violence and it has been this way since Cain killed Abel. While we can’t escape a violent culture, we do need to train our kids to live in harmony with others. In this new ...

Not of This World

Parents face a daunting and often discouraging assignment. The barrage of evil that our children encounter daily is unrelenting and extremely hard to battle against. This is not new, but it does seem ...

When It Comes to Your Children, Be Vigilant, Be Prepared

Parents must be vigilant in protecting their children against threats and attacks in various forms. Moms and dads also need to be prepared for the unexpected. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb ...

A 24/7 Assault on Our Children

There’s a full-blown assault on our children today, making parenting even more difficult—especially for those raising teenagers. The Internet and smartphones, pornography, homosexuality, ...

Meet the Holcombs and Their Children

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that behind the faces of our Marriage & Parenting couples are the kids who bring them much joy and a few challenges along the way. In this short video, Matt and Ariel ...

Our Priceless Joy

When the weight of parenting becomes overly burdensome, do you know what to do? Matt and Ariel Holcomb suggest a simple insight that can change the way your family relates to one another. This ...

Promises, Promises

Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair. Some parents think this rule doesn't apply to their children because they naturally believe their parents, and are usually quick ...

The Blessing

You probably pray for your children regularly. But do your kids know how much you pray for them? Do they know what you pray for them? In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb tell a heartwarming story ...

Faith Talk

Our kids pick up on our bad traits easily. We tend to assume they will learn and adopt our positive characteristics too, including our love for the Lord. But that’s not how it works. In this video, ...

Honoring Mom and Dad

You’re probably familiar with God’s command in Scripture for children to honor their parents. But how do you teach your son or daughter to abide by this principle? In this new video, Matt and Ariel ...

Is Honor Overdue?

How would your wife respond if you did something nice for her for no other reason than to say, “I love you”? In this fun video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb share about a husband who decided to do just ...

Taken for Granted

Failing to appreciate the positive aspects of our spouses can really take a toll on a marriage. In this new video, based on the "Taken for Granted" devotional in Dr. James and Shirley Dobson’s book ...

Unsung Heroes

The world honors mothers on Mother’s Day and fathers on Father’s Day, but what about the rest of the year? Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that most husbands and wives need just one person in their ...

Family Wisdom From a Fighter Pilot and His Wife

Meet Matt and Ariel Holcomb! Growing up, Matt jokes that he didn’t really appreciate Dr. James Dobson’s book Dare to Discipline. But the discipline paid off, as he graduated from the U.S. Navy's ...