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Up Close and Personal with Zig, Part 2

Guest: Zig Ziglar

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Up Close and Personal with Zig, Part 2

Guest: Zig Ziglar

Up Close and Personal with Zig, Part 1

Guest: Zig Ziglar

Making Marriage Last

Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

Marriage and Parenting

Marriage and Parenting

For years, families have found daily direction and inspiration from Dr. James and Shirley Dobson's best-selling devotional series Night Light for Couples and Night Light for Parents. The Dr. James Dobson Family Institute is excited to announce that these books' practical and biblically-based lessons are now available on video.

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Meet the Hosts

Pastor Brenen and Morgan

Pastor Brenen & Morgan Beeler

Pastor Brenen Beeler is the Senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Eagle, a non-denominational church based in the Treasure Valley in Idaho, the founder of Regenerate Ministries and has a national radio program Regenerate Radio.


Edwin and Katherin Reyes

Edwin and Katherin Reyes have been married since 2012 and have four children. They were high school sweethearts who met each other at church but were not walking with the Lord at the time.


Ron and Trina Alleyne

Ron and Trina Alleyne have been married for 17 years and live in the Atlanta metro area with their 6 children. Together, they serve their church and community and have a strong desire to help families grow in the grace of Christ.


Matt & Ariel Holcomb

As homeschooling parents, Matt and Ariel seek to apply the wisdom they’ve learned through the years so their children will know Christ and make Him known.

Edwin and Katherin Reyes

El Triángulo Matrimonial

Para que las parejas cristianas experimenten un matrimonio armonioso, Dios debe estar en el centro de su relación. En el libro de Eclesiastés, Salomón habla de la fuerza de una cuerda de tres hilos ...

The Marriage Triangle

For Christian couples to experience a harmonious marriage, God must be at the center of their relationship. In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon talks about the strength of a three-stranded cord ...

Set Up for Disappointment

We’ve all heard that 50% of marriages end in divorce. The primary cause of shattered relationships is broken trust. When husbands and wives make mistakes that weaken their bond, the pain can be ...

Preparado para la decepción

Todos hemos escuchado que el 50% de los matrimonios terminan en divorcio. La causa principal de las relaciones rotas es la confianza rota. Cuando los esposos y las esposas cometen errores que ...

Palabras con las que puede contar

Muchos productos vienen con un manual de instrucciones, ya sea un auto nuevo, un electrodoméstico o una computadora. Seguir las instrucciones de la guía ayudará al nuevo propietario a aprovechar al ...

Words You Can Count On

Many products come with an instruction manual, whether it’s a new car, appliance, or a computer. Following directions in the guidebook will help the new owner make the most of his or her purchase. ...

La carretilla de la confianza

Confiar en Dios cuando tu matrimonio está fallando puede ser un desafío. Pero tener fe en tu Padre Celestial y someterte a Él son los primeros pasos que debes dar para “no estar afanoso por nada”, ...

The Wheelbarrow of Trust

Trusting God when your marriage is failing can be a challenge. But having faith in your Heavenly Father and submitting to Him are the first steps you need to take to “be anxious for nothing,” no ...

Haz que lo superen

Mantener una relación saludable con un adolescente es un desafío que requiere que los padres elijan sabiamente sus batallas. Saber cuándo evitar los conflictos con tacto puede fomentar una relación ...

Get 'Em Through It

Maintaining a healthy relationship with a teenager is a challenge that requires parents to choose their battles wisely. Knowing when to tactfully avoid conflict can foster a strong and loving ...

Justicia Familiar

Las peleas son una parte natural del crecimiento, entonces, ¿cómo pueden los padres controlar la rivalidad entre hermanos? En este video, Edwin y Katherin Reyes explican que mamá y papá juegan un ...

Family Justice

Quarrels are a natural part of growing up, so how can parents control sibling rivalry? In this video, Edwin and Katherin Reyes explain that Mom and Dad play an important role in stewarding disputes ...

Laugh With Your Kids

Parenting can be intense and complex. In this video, Edwin and Katherin Reyes remind us that little ones can say and do some hilarious things. Don’t miss those moments! While we should never forget ...

Ríe con tus hijos

La crianza de los hijos puede ser intensa y compleja. En este video, Edwin y Katherin Reyes nos recuerdan que los pequeños pueden decir y hacer cosas divertidas. ¡No te pierdas esos momentos! Si bien ...

Wonders to Remember

The burdens of parenthood can easily rob us of our joy. When the kids disobey, throw tantrums, and create chaos, they can take all the pleasure out of being a mom or dad. In this video, Edwin and ...

Maravillas Para Recordar

Las cargas de la paternidad pueden robarnos fácilmente nuestro gozo. Cuando los niños desobedecen, hacen rabietas y crean caos, pueden quitarle todo el placer de ser mamá o papá. En este video, Edwin ...

A Lifestyle of Worship

Worship in our society is more of an afterthought. Many would rather play or sleep in on Sunday mornings. And the thought of having daily devotions with their family is a foreign concept to most ...

Un Estilo de Vida de Adoración

La adoración en nuestra sociedad es más una ocurrencia tardía. Muchos prefieren jugar o dormir los domingos por la mañana. Y la idea de tener devociones diarias con su familia es un concepto extraño ...

Edwin y Katherin Reyes Introducción

El Instituto de la Familia Dr. James Dobson continúa abriendo nuevos caminos con nuestra primera serie de videos sobre el matrimonio y la crianza de los hijos en español con subtítulos en inglés. Nos ...

Introducing Edwin and Katherin Reyes

The Dr. James Dobson Family Institute continues to break new ground with our first marriage and parenting video series in Spanish with English subtitles. We'd like to introduce you to Edwin and ...