Living Single Today

Looking for Love? 10 Places to Meet Christian Singles

Written by Jackie M. Johnson | October 07, 2024
Where do you find other Christian singles to date? If you’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places, maybe it’s time for a change. 

Before they fell in love, every couple first had to meet. And the way they met is their own personal “love story,” the explanation they give when people ask, “So, how did you two meet?”

My parents met at a church singles dance. 

My paternal grandparents found each other in a class to learn English since they both came to America from other countries—my grandfather from Norway and my grandmother from Germany.

Today, it seems more difficult to find someone to date or marry. Many people have turned to online dating (which you can filter by faith preference on many sites or apps). In fact, some of my female friends have met great guys online and have successful marriages. 

But that’s just one option for trying to make connections. 

While much of our time is spent online, there are still ways for people to meet in person. Here’s a list of 10 ways to meet others who share your faith—and perhaps find someone to date:

1.    Faith-based community. To meet men and women who share your beliefs and values, I can’t think of a better place than church. Many churches have singles groups, Bible studies, and mission trips—great ways to grow in your faith and connect with others.
2.    Christian conferences and retreats.
3.    Singles events hosted by local churches or Christian organizations.
4.    Hobbies (like Christian concerts or music festivals), or sports rec leagues (like softball or volleyball) or Meetup groups for Christian singles to connect on similar interests. 
5.    Volunteer opportunities or community service projects (like a food bank, soup kitchen, animal rescue, or clearing nature trails).
6.    Tell friends that you’re looking. Have the ones who know you best keep their eyes open for potential men or women for you to date. Give your friends a brief description of what you’re looking for so they don’t set you up with someone just because you’re both single.
7.    Café or coffee shop.
8.    Weddings. Consider striking up a conversation with someone you meet at the reception after the service. 
9.    Host a game night or movie night at your house. Or, have a “Bring a Friend Party.” This is where everyone who’s coming brings a single friend of the opposite sex that they are not personally interested in. You could meet someone special, or widen your circle of friends. 
10.    Life. Maybe you’ll meet your someone special as you’re living your daily life—perhaps in a way that’s unexpected. It’s good to know that our wise and loving God works in many different ways to bring people together. 

Of course, meeting someone new is one thing. Being ready for a relationship is quite another. Whether you’re never married, widowed, or divorced, it’s helpful to become the right person as you look for the right person—someone who is best suited for you.

Finally, your choice of who to date takes wisdom and discernment. Pray and ask God to guide you. 

Then, take action. Step away from your devices. Get off the couch. Get out of the house and go live your life, trusting God for His best. 

Let the Lord be the Author of your life story—and your love story.

And when your story happens, let me know. I’d love to hear about it.

Jackie M. Johnson is an author and blogger who writes inspiring content on growing a better life, the power of prayer, and encouragement for singles. Jackie has a heart to encourage single adults of all ages, and she has led numerous small groups and Bible studies for singles. Her books include the breakup recovery guide, When Love Ends and the Ice Cream Carton Is Empty, Power Prayers for Women, and Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough. Connect with Jackie at