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Toxic Empathy: How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion, Part 2

Guest: Allie Beth Stuckey


Living Single Today

Author and blogger Jackie M. Johnson writes hope-filled and inspiring content on growing a better life, the power of prayer, and encouragement for singles.

Navigating a solo stage of life is not always easy—whether you’re a never-married, divorced, or widowed single person. That’s why we’ve created a special place for singles of all ages to learn, grow, and connect.


Find Encouragement for Singles

Sign up to receive a 5-day series of encouraging content for singles from author and blogger, Jackie Johnson!

Single or single again? You can live with purpose, hope and joy! Discover how to thrive right now by signing up for the Living Single series. 


Articles for Singles

Bart Brock

Looking for Love? 10 Places to Meet Christian Singles

Where do you find other Christian singles to date? If you’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places, maybe it’s time for a change.

After Adversity: How to Re-engage with Life Again

New beginnings are never easy, especially after a difficult season of life like a breakup, divorce, death of a friend or relative, or another kind of ...

How to Keep a Conversation Going on a First Date

Have you ever been on a first date and the person sitting across from you at the table talked about himself the entire time?

5 Ways to Become a Better Listener and Improve Your Relationships

Would you like to have better relationships? If so, then it's essential to enhance your communication skills and become a good listener.

How To Guard Your Heart—and Be Open To Love

Have you ever been so hurt, rejected, criticized, or ignored that you emotionally shut down?

5 Great Reasons to Pray for Your Future Spouse

When you’re seeking guidance in any area of life, prayer is always a good idea. In fact, one of the most loving things we can do is pray—for others ...

Healing Your Heart and Moving Forward after a Painful Divorce

In this guest post, licensed psychologist Georgia Shaffer offers practical help and biblical hope to encourage those struggling to rebuild their ...

The Truth About True Love

True Love. How can you make it last? And where do you find it? Indeed, real and lasting love is something we all long for. But, for many, a solid and ...

Love 101: How to Love Others Well

In this final post of the Love 101 series, you'll find helpful advice on how to love others well. It starts with first being filled with God's love ...

Love 101: How to Know You’re in Love

It's a great relationship, and you're wondering if you're ready to say those three special words, I love you. But, you're not certain. Is it love—or ...

Love 101: Learning to Love and Accept Yourself

One of the most difficult things to do is to love ourselves. Often, we are our own worst critics. We see our flaws; we know our faults. And, for some ...

Love 101: Grasping God’s Love for You

In this four-week series, we're headed to "love school" to learn to experience deeper depths of love—from God, within ourselves, and with others. ...

Are You Ready to Remarry? Part 1

Getting married again after a divorce or loss of a spouse is a crucial decision, and it poses unique challenges—especially if you're aiming to blend ...

Are You Ready to Remarry? Part 2

How do you know if you're ready to remarry after a divorce or the loss of a spouse? In today's post, author Susan G. Mathis shares important red ...

When Your Friends Get Married: How To Keep Those Friendships Alive

Does it seem like everyone in your friend group is coupled up, except you? Lately, you've been receiving more engagement announcements, wedding ...

What a Mess! Restoring Order to Your Inner Life

You may be feeling frazzled from a full schedule or family drama. Maybe a friend bailed on you unexpectedly. You're hurt and angry. But, if you don't ...

Online Dating: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Have you tried online dating or dating apps? Why or why not? Let's look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of the online dating world. And then you ...

The 10 Best Decisions a Single Mom Can Make

It's not easy being a single mother. Many of us share the same challenges and fears: You feel stretched to the limit. You think your children need ...

4 Keys to a More Powerful Prayer Life

How's your prayer life? Do you ever feel like you're not getting through when you talk to God? Duty has replaced desire, and lately your prayer time ...

Feeling Discontent as a Single? 6 Ways to Deal

Do you ever struggle with being single? You like having time to do what you like to do, but you also long for the day when you'll have a significant ...

His Cheating Heart: Lessons Learned in the Dark

The front door closed. Numb with disbelief, I swiped away the onslaught of tears flooding my cheeks and clicked the deadbolt. What just happened? The ...

Growing a Better Relationship with God

Spring is a season of hope. As the slumbering earth wakes up, we are reminded that it's a time of renewal—in nature and, perhaps, in our own hearts.

Dating: What to Look for in the Right Person

My friend Heidi once told me, "The difference between the wrong man and the right man is like the difference between the darkest night and the ...

Dating: Becoming The Right Person

Why do I always fall for the wrong guys? Why do the people I date break up with me? How can I make better choices in my next relationship?

How to Find the Comfort You Need After a Loss

Loss strikes everyone at some point in life. Whether it's a relationship breakup, divorce, death of a loved one, or another loss, we all need ways to ...

Dealing with Grief in Your Widowhood Journey

Here is a special guest post from Dr. Bart Brock, who shares part of his widowerhood journey of loss and grief into the acceptance of a new life. Dr. ...

7 Great Ways to Set Goals and Stick to Them

Setting and achieving goals isn’t easy. Most often, at the start of a new year, we think about losing weight, getting out of debt, growing closer to ...

Powerful Hope for Hard Times

Are you going through a tough time? Feeling disappointed or discouraged? Perhaps you're recovering from unexpected bad news or a heart-wrenching ...

Looking for Love? It’s Not Too Late

If you desire to be married, and it hasn't happened yet, here's hope that it's never too late. Of course, not everyone will marry, but many will. In ...

Single on Valentine’s Day? How to THRIVE not just SURVIVE the Heart Holiday

It's Valentine's Day and you're single. No special someone for a romantic dinner for two. No chocolates, flowers, or gifts. But just because you're ...

Feeling Isolated? 6 Great Ways Singles Can Get Connected

How can we feel more connected when we live in a time when we're more disconnected than ever?

Uncovering the Truth About Forgiveness

Perhaps you've known the sting of rejection or betrayal from a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse. Whether it's a slap across the face or a slap across ...

5 Lies Singles Believe—and What to do Differently

It's not always easy being a single person. Especially when well-meaning friends, relatives, or church people try to "encourage" you, but end up ...

7 Great Ways Singles Can Overcome Loneliness

Ah, the single life. For most of us, we have more freedom and more free time. Sometimes we're content, and other times it's not easy being alone. ...

7 Powerful Dating Secrets for Christian Women Who Want True Love

Dating and relationships shouldn't have to be so difficult. I mean, all you have to do is find someone amazing who thinks you're amazing too. You ...

Mixed Signals: Are We Dating or Just Friends?

There's this guy—let's call him Chad—who texts you all the time. He seems like a nice guy, but you're not really sure where you stand with him. Chad ...

Love Like You've Never Been Hurt

Getting hurt is a part of life. The pain of the past may have you wrestling with questions like Why should I trust again? and How can I ever forgive?

Low Self-Esteem? 3 Keys to Recalibrating Your Thought Life

No one likes to feel stupid. Or small. Or less than. But we’ve all had days when we just want to crawl under our desk—or under the covers—and hide. ...

5 Essential Qualities To Look For When Dating

My friend Heidi once said, "The difference between the wrong man and the right man is like the difference between the darkest night and the ...

Brokenness and the Healing Power of Surrender

When something is broken our first response is to fix it. A broken pipe under the sink. A broken lock on the front door. A broken chain on our bike. ...

How to Have a Great First Date: Essential Do’s and Don’ts

Ah, the excitement and anticipation of a first date! Whether you just connected on a dating website or app—and have never met—or you’ve known each ...

6 Really Good Reasons to Have Hope

The unexpected betrayal. The stack of unpaid bills. The radical immorality and wickedness in our world. Sometimes the worries and concerns of life ...

Building Confidence and a Solid Self-Esteem

What are you telling yourself about yourself? Is it positive or negative? Encouraging or discouraging? Maybe a parent or boyfriend or former spouse ...

Waiting? 5 Important Ideas to Help You Wait Well

Life seems to involve a lot of waiting. Maybe you’re waiting for the phone to ring—with good news about a job offer or for that guy you’ve had your ...

The Power of Wisdom: Making Better Choices in Your Dating Life

Dating isn’t always easy. That’s for sure. Whether your dating life has been desert dry and you haven’t had a date in months (or years), or you’re ...

5 Ways to Be a Happy Single on Valentine's Day

Single on Valentine's Day? February 14, the holiday that celebrates all things love and romance, can be challenging if you don't have a special ...

After a Breakup: Top 10 Things to Heal a Broken Heart

I’ve heard that January is the most popular month for break-ups. Why do so many dating couples call it quits in the first month of the year? The ...

Discarding New Year’s Resolutions for Something Better

Many folks make New Year’s resolutions and then break them within the next few weeks—or even the next day! It’s not easy to try to change something ...

Holiday Blues? 6 Ways to Find Joy Again

It's that time of year again, the season we've come to call "the holidays." For some, it's the most wonderful time of the year. You look forward to ...

The Healing Power of Forgiveness – Part 2

In this post, we’ll talk about the practical “how to” of forgiving someone who has hurt or wronged you. Are you feeling bound up in bitterness, ...

How the Church Can Welcome Singles—and Help Them Thrive

Did you know that today there are more single adults than married adults in America? The tipping point came in 2014.

The Healing Power of Forgiveness – Part 1

It was a cold January day in Colorado and the world was covered in white from the morning’s snowfall. It looked like a snow globe had been unleashed. ...

How to Get Over a Breakup – Part 4 (Day)

Goodbye darkness, hello light! It's a fresh start in your heart, too, as breakup pain is fading and hope is waking up.

How to Get Over a Breakup – Part 3 (Dawn)

After the sun has set on your relationship, and you've gone through the darkest time, you're farther along the heart healing journey. It's nearly ...

How to Get Over a Breakup – Part 2 (Night)

If you've ever gone through a relationship breakup, you've probably heard something like this...

How to Get Over a Breakup – Part 1 (Twilight)

Years ago, I was talking with a guy friend (let's call him Mitch). I was going through a heart-wrenching breakup at the time and I decided to ask him ...

Experiencing God's Love

Chad was a laid-back guy who liked the outdoors and spent a lot of time hiking and mountain biking. One summer day we took a late afternoon walk ...

Dating Right-Side-Up in an Upside-Down World

When I was a teenager, my dating advisors were people I'd never met. I was eager to learn about love and romance—and I didn't really have any other ...

5 Keys for Dealing with Emotions after a Relationship Breakup

If you're going through a dating relationship breakup or divorce, or know someone who is, this post is for you. Breaking up can be a heart-wrenching ...

Dealing with Emotions: Anger

“Do you ever see us marrying each other?” Silence...

Emotional Intimacy and Dating: What You Need to Know

It is a mystery and a miracle how two people ever get together and stay together. Why is real and lasting love so hard to find? Perhaps it has ...

6 Reasons Why You’re Not Married Yet

Lately, I’ve been pondering why I’m not married. At least, not yet. Maybe it was the wedding invitation I received last week that sparked this ...

How to Get Over a Breakup: 4 Key Things You Can Do to Heal Faster

"Guys are jerks!" Sara snarled. My friend was hurting. We sat at my kitchen table and Sara told me about her boomerang boyfriend who had just broken ...

Cupid is a Procrastinator: Making Sense of the Unexpected Single Life

I’ve never met Kate Hurley, but if I did I’d like to think we’d become fast friends. We seem to have a lot in common. We both like dark chocolate. We ...

Overcoming Loneliness

A few years ago, I packed up my little red Honda and drove 1,000 miles across America's heartland to start a new job in a new city. I found a house ...

6 Ways for Singles to Wait Well

"You can't hurry love, no, you just have to wait." The lyrics to this popular Phil Collins song resonate with many singles. It's not easy to wait for ...

After a Breakup: The Power of Three Little Words

Some songs seem to stick with you long after you’ve heard them, whether you want them to or not. The popular chorus from the animated movie, Frozen ...