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Consider Giving a Gift of Stock To Family Talk

It's easy and makes tremendous impact!

Giving a gift of appreciated securities can be a smart way to give to Family Talk. If you've owned the stock for more than a year (i.e. owned outside of your IRA, 401(k), or other retirement funds) and the stock has increased in value, you might consider giving the stock. It's simple to give long-term stock gifts to Family Talk, and your gift helps us continue our work to strengthen families while you avoid the capital gains tax you would pay if you sold the stock and kept or gave the cash. You can claim a charitable deduction on your tax return, generally for the fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift.

If your stock has decreased in value since you bought it, it might be better for you to sell the stock and donate the proceeds which would allow you to deduct the capital loss.

Whether your stock has increased or decreased in value, it's always best to check with your financial advisor or tax professional to help you decide what type of donation works best for you personally.

Here's the process for transferring stock:

DTC Transfer: If your stock is in a brokerage account, you can instruct your broker to electronically transfer the securities from your account into Family Talk's account with the following account information:

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
DTC Clearing #: 0015
Account #: 320-056345

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
121 S. Tejon Street, Suite 700
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Family Talk's Tax identification number is: 27–1394708

Please let us know in advance when you're making a transfer of stock to Family Talk by sending an email to jenanne.jenkins@myfamilytalk.com, Vice President of Stewardship, or sending a letter to Family Talk at the address below through normal mail. Your notification will allow us to watch our account to ensure that the transfer is made and that we issue a letter acknowledging your gift in a timely manner for your tax records. Please let us know your name and address, the date of the transfer, the number of shares, and name of the stock.

Family Talk — Attention: Finance Department
540 Elkton Dr., Suite 201
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Again, before you make a gift of stock, especially if the amount is significant, be sure to talk with your professional financial advisor to determine how the gift may affect your overall financial or personal tax situation.

Thanks in advance for considering a donation to Family Talk!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is not intended as a substitute for professional tax or legal counsel. We strongly recommend you consult with your professional tax advisor before making a gift of securities.