August 22, 2024
In this week's episode of Defending Faith, Family, and Freedom with Gary Bauer, senior vice president of public policy at the James Dobson Family Institute, Bauer interviews John Stemberger, president of Liberty Counsel Action and senior counsel of Liberty Counsel. The two discuss the considerable controversy in the American Church about the proper role of Christians and their pastors concerning the governance of society. One faction believes that Christians and church leaders have a biblically grounded obligation to weigh into matters of public affairs. The other side believes that public policy has no place in local churches. Stemberger calls the latter "…bad theology, believing somehow that the Church is an institution that shouldn't engage in culture, that it should only focus on ecclesiastical matters and theology." Stemberger says that at least once every two years, pastors must weigh into elections with their congregations, and clearly and powerfully define the various positions of political parties on matters important to Christ-followers. Not doing so would mean misunderstanding the Christian's role in society. You won’t want to miss this critically important discussion.