July 26, 2023
This week's episode of Defending Faith, Family, and Freedom with Gary Bauer, senior vice president of public policy at the James Dobson Family Institute, warns Christians not to be deceived, America is indeed in the throes of a new civil war over what kind of a nation it is going to be. Will it remain America, as founded, grounded on Judeo-Christian principles—a constitutional republic? Or, will it deteriorate into a godless all powerful neo-Marxist state? Bauer says one need to look no further for evidence of this revolution than our local libraries, where “Drag Queen Reading Hours” for children have become commonplace. Bauer urges listeners to understand that when these same people say “We’re coming for your children,” we must believe them! JDFI invites you to join the battle against these wicked forces. You can start by listening to this revealing podcast today.