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Defending Faith, Family and Freedom Podcast

Defending Faith, Family and Freedom, with Gary Bauer, is a weekly podcast from the Dobson Policy Center. Bauer, Senior Vice President of Public Policy for the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute, will provide listeners and viewers with his unique perspective on current public policy through the lens of the U.S. Constitution and an unapologetic biblical worldview.

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Podcast Episodes

April 12, 2023

Public Schools Compelling Students to Pledge Allegiance to LGBTQ+

In this week's episode, Gary Bauer lays out what he calls the 'blizzard of lies,' swirling around today's children. He says that virtually every scientific study is showing a drastic decline in the ...

April 05, 2023

An Ardent Warning to Americans of the Country’s Steady March Toward Marxism

In this week’s episode of Defending Faith, Family and Freedom with Gary Bauer, Senior Vice President of Public Policy at the James Dobson Family Institute, Bauer makes a powerful case that liberty ...

March 29, 2023

Gary Bauer: ‘It’s Another Paul Revere Moment!’

In this week’s episode of Defending Faith, Family and Freedom, Gary Bauer shares the stories of three Christians who recently stood firmly in their faith and paid a heavy price both personally and ...

March 22, 2023

America the Beautiful, in a Season of Great Peril (Part 2)

In part two, Gary Bauer warns Christians that America is in a season of great peril. He insists that there are powerful forces inside and outside government that see people of faith, particularly ...

March 15, 2023

Biden Administration Weaponizing Law Enforcement Against Christians (Part ...

In part one of this week’s episode of Defending Faith, Family and Freedom with Gary Bauer, he shares his concerns that government agencies, under the direction of the Biden administration, are ...

March 08, 2023

From “Father Knows Best” to Ronald Reagan: How My Childhood Dream of ...

In this week’s episode of Defending Faith, Family and Freedom with Gary Bauer, Bauer shares his childhood story about how a preempted ‘60s TV program ignited a God-sized dream of one day working for ...

March 01, 2023

Three-Fourths of Americans Say Country Headed in the Wrong Direction

In this week’s episode of Defending Faith, Family and Freedom with Gary Bauer, Bauer unpacks the ramifications of a new poll showing that 75% of Americans believe that the country is headed in the ...

February 24, 2023

Children at Risk in Schools Increasingly Hostile to Biblical Worldview

In this episode, Gary Bauer discusses the book he co-authored with Dr. James Dobson titled, Children at Risk. Written in the early 1990s, the work was prophetic in what it foresaw coming at kids and ...