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Toxic Empathy: How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion, Part 2

Guest: Allie Beth Stuckey


October 4, 2024

Women Athletes Stand Up: No Male Players in Our Sport

Women Athletes Stand Up: No Male Players in Our Sport

The moment we have been waiting for has arrived. 

At long last, women’s college teams are refusing to play against rival Division 1 teams that have a man who “identifies as a woman” on them. First Boise State, then Southern Utah, and now Wyoming University have all forfeited their volleyball matches against San Jose State University, which has a man who identifies as a woman on its squad.

What these fearless women are doing flies in the face of our culture. Modern gender ideology tells us that we should “affirm” the “gender identity” of others. It says that we cannot offer any challenge to another person’s perceived identity, even if doing so puts us in harm’s way.

But these collegiate athletes are not abiding by the lies. They are taking a momentous stand that few people have taken in our society (Riley Gaines being a prominent exception). Their courage is having an effect because once courage is unleashed, it is nearly impossible to contain. 

As Christians, we should pray for an outbreak of courage. Gender ideology is poison. It goes against the biblical truths that our God created the human race in His image and made every person male or female (Genesis 1:26-27). God’s design is not only right; it is good—for all of us. Gender ideology, by contrast, is not good. It is anti-woman, even anti-human, because it is based on lies, not on God’s Word. 

We believers know what being pro-woman actually means. In the athletic world, it means protecting women’s sports and spaces. Christians should be at the forefront of this movement. Female athletes are being harmed, physically and psychologically, by gender ideology and the permission it gives deeply troubled men to violate the dignity of girls and women. 

In such circumstances, we can state several truths without blinking. No man should ever come into the changing room of young women. No man should ever use a women’s restroom. No boy should play on a girls’ sports team. 

This is not the language of a raging caveman; rather, it is the conviction of a Christian. After all, we follow the Savior who honored women in remarkable ways. Jesus Christ is the strong deliverer who protects His bride, tenderly nourishes His bride, and laid down His life for His bride (Eph. 5:22-33).

In confused times, let us think with the mind of Christ. In an anti-woman age, let us be unapologetically pro-woman.


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