According to recent research cited by conservative commentator Candace Owens (via political talk show host Bill Maher), the number of Americans who identify as LGBTQ+ is skyrocketing. The percentages are climbing to such an extent that they’re doubling with each generation: before 1946, less than 1%; Baby Boomers, 2.6%; Generation X, 4.2%; Millennials, 10.5%; and Generation Z, 20.8%.
We need to zero in on the “T” part of the above acronym. It stands for “transgenderism.” Those drawn to transgenderism commonly experience what is called “gender dysphoria,” which is the feeling that their identity and bodies don’t match. If you have such inclinations, you may well be a “transgender” person, according to secular gender theorists and some health professionals. They argue that your personal identity may differ from your body, therefore resulting in your need to “transition” to a different body through surgery, hormone therapy, medicine, and other means.
There are many reasons why this warped ideology has become so popular. One big reason is that we are living in an age where we are urged not to follow God, but rather “our own heart.” We are told to trust our natural feelings and desires and not rebuke them, for they will lead us to the true self-conception that has perhaps long evaded us. All this, sadly, is a lie from the enemy (Satan), and it will ultimately lead to destruction. The right road to identity and true fulfillment is to follow God’s will and plan for our lives.
*Used with permission, this material has been used and edited from the book, What Does the Bible Teach About Transgenderism by Owen Strachan and Gavin Peacock.