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Homeschooling Today - Part 2

Guest: Jay and Heidi St. John

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Homeschooling Today - Part 2

Guest: Jay and Heidi St. John

Homeschooling Today - Part 1

Guest: Jay and Heidi St. John

Quiet Times for Busy Parents

Guest: Shirley Dobson


September 6, 2024

Lighting Up Culture: How Do We Help Stressed Parents?

Raising children is challenging in the best of circumstances. After all, parenting does not merely require self-sacrifice; parenting is self-sacrifice.

August 2, 2024

The Olympic Ceremony — A Teachable Moment for Us and Our Kids

Author: Joe Waresak

If your children watched the event with you or heard about it from their friends, take this opportunity to emphasize the gospel and the reality of humankind—we are all sinners.

May 9, 2024

Womanhood and The Beauty of Nurturing

In motherhood, a woman offers much attention, compassion, and communication to her loved ones. A mother often shows an innate sense of the state of her family's well-being. Gifted with such ...

April 24, 2024

Father to Son

Dear Son, As you're getting older, I wanted to write you about something crucial. This is a hard topic, and it's not always easy for dads to talk about it with our sons. Sometimes, as you ...