
Latest Broadcast

The Eclipse of God - Part 2

Guest: Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Recent Broadcasts

The Eclipse of God - Part 2

Guest: Dr. Erwin Lutzer

The Eclipse of God - Part 1

Guest: Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Homeschooling Today - Part 2

Guest: Jay and Heidi St. John


August 2, 2024

The Olympic Ceremony — A Teachable Moment for Us and Our Kids

Author: Joe Waresak

If your children watched the event with you or heard about it from their friends, take this opportunity to emphasize the gospel and the reality of humankind—we are all sinners.

June 28, 2024

Lighting Up Culture: The End of “Pediatric Sex Change Clinics”

In Texas, medicine that facilitates "sex change" for children is under fierce fire. Pro-children activist Christopher F. Rufo recently shared the following information in a social-media ...

June 18, 2024

Lighting Up Culture: A Shocking Stand by Pediatricians

Children need protection. But all too often today, they don't receive it. This pattern was recently jackhammered by the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds). In announcing the Doctors ...