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June 28, 2024

Lighting Up Culture: The End of “Pediatric Sex Change Clinics”

In Texas, medicine that facilitates "sex change" for children is under fierce fire. Pro-children activist Christopher F. Rufo recently shared the following information in a social-media post: "Texas Children's Hospital has temporarily closed its pediatric sex-change clinic, per a source on the ground. The pressure is mounting on the hospital's transgender program, which is now under investigation by the state attorney general for alleged Medicaid fraud."1

Details of this inquiry are still being gathered. However, the closing of the TCH "pediatric sex-change clinic" is a significant development. For years, Christians have watched, and many have felt helpless, as medicine in America has become what we could call "anti-medicine." The Hippocratic Oath—"First, do no harm"—pledged by doctors has come undone in many hospitals as facilities embrace the prerogatives and programs of body-warping, child-destroying LGBTQ gender ideology.

Now, however, the momentum seems to be shifting. The darkness of "sex change" surgeries performed on children is coming to light. The revelations are in part due to the devastating testimonies of young men and women who have undergone such procedures (see Chloe Cole as a prominent example). Once the spell of gender dogma wears off, these young men and women find their bodies distorted, their minds confused, and their hearts broken by the false promises of transgenderism.

But there is hope—great hope. These stories are a bull market for the truths of God. Though our culture is penetrated by sin and, to some degree, overpowered by lies, people are waking up by God's grace. He only creates people as male and female (Gen. 1:26-27). The reality is that no one has ever literally "changed" their sex. While some have had surgery, taken pills, and altered their "pronouns," there has never been a biological crossover from manhood to womanhood or the reverse. Even when our bodies suffer the effects of sin (as with Disorders of Sexual Development, also known as an "inter-sex" condition), our male or female identities are apparent at the genetic level. Our chromosomes tell who we are as people created by God.

Beyond the confusion caused by transgender theory, Satan's greatest effort to deceive Christians is likely his lie that they have lost the battle. He loves to communicate an inevitable triumph of darkness. But he is wrong. The Gospel of John tells us the opposite: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:5, ESV). Such events as the temporary closing of the pediatric sex-change clinic in Texas remind us of that fact.

Whatever we may suffer in our time, we must not stop speaking, praying, and standing firm on biblical truth. Though the days are evil, we have the assurance that light overtakes darkness and always will.

1. “X.Com,” X (formerly Twitter), accessed June 24, 2024, Web.

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