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Women and Friendships, Part 2

Guest: Dee Brestin

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March 17, 2024

Identity Redefined: Standing Against Cultural Confusion

Identity Redefined: Standing Against Cultural Confusion


Sadly, many people today have lost sight—or openly rejected—the truths we just covered in "Helping, Nurturing, and Complementing: God's Design for Womanhood." They have been fed lies, and they are swallowing them. They do not think that the body determines identity; they think that feelings (and desires) determine identity. If you feel like a woman, you are one; if you naturally desire the same gender sexually, then that desire should be affirmed. You are your feelings, our culture tells us all; you are your desires.
We are watching today as our society awkwardly morphs to fit this new understanding of identity.
Here are a few trends that have been playing out all around us:
  1. Boys are playing girls' sports against girls, and causing them real physical harm.
  2. Boys are entering girls' locker rooms and restrooms, violating the needed privacy of girls.
  3. A new code of language has been concocted around "preferred pronouns" and gender identity.
  4. The bodies of children are being warped and mutilated through exploratory surgery and powerful pills.
  5. In law and public policy, "discrimination" has been reinterpreted as failing to affirm someone's feelings and declared self-understanding.
  6. Being a Christian and standing for manhood and womanhood is now seen as "hateful."
We have to educate our children about these lies. As fathers and mothers, we cannot pretend that everyone agrees with the Christian worldview or even what we could call the traditional sexual ethic. Many, it is now clear, do not. You and I may lament this, but our chief role is not to wring our hands in anxiety over these trends. Our calling is to train our children in God's ways, to lean on God's grace, and to stand for the truth of God's Word.
Download the PDF of this blog series, "What Is a Woman According to God?"

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