Why Your Teenager Is Irrational
There is often an irrationality associated with adolescence that can be terribly frustrating to parents. It is difficult at that time to reason your way out of conflict.
There is a fierce battle being waged now in our nation's classrooms for the hearts and souls of our children and grandchildren. Make no mistake, the left and the secular culture are manipulating the minds of your sons and daughters every day of the year.
There is often an irrationality associated with adolescence that can be terribly frustrating to parents. It is difficult at that time to reason your way out of conflict.
The Jews are God's chosen people, and Israel is covenant land given to the Jews by Jehovah as an everlasting possession... read more
Democracy and capitalism have made our nation the most powerful and successful in the history of the world... read more
Thomas Jefferson warned repeatedly about the emergence of an out-of-control judiciary that would destroy the Constitution and, along with it, America's fundamental freedoms... read more
The first item listed in the Bill of Rights within the U.S. Constitution addresses the issue of religious liberty... read more
Marriage serves as the foundation for every dimension of human life. Everything of value rests on it, including procreation and the care and training of children... read more
All life is sacred and is a gift from Almighty God. Sadly, however, many people in our society no longer understand or acknowledge the sanctity of human life... read more
There is a fierce battle being waged now in our nation's classrooms for the hearts and souls of our children and grandchildren. Make no mistake, the left and the secular culture are manipulating the ..... read more
Happy Valentine’s Day! In our challenging culture, it's easy to allow distractions and pressures to pull your marriage apart. In this video, Dr. Owen Strachan encourages you to use this special ...
The Jews are God's chosen people, and Israel is covenant land given to the Jews by Jehovah as an everlasting possession.