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Latest Broadcast

Biblical Romance: The Design for Intimacy - Part 1

Guest: Rev. Tommy Nelson



Short #5: Michele Bachmann Calls Christians to Action: Fast, Pray, and Vote for a Better America

In this short video, Hon. Michele Bachmann implores Christians to fast, pray, and vote! "We've never had a clearer compare and contrast than in this election. We had four years of prosperity and ...

Short #4: Michele Bachmann Exposes the $200 Billion Cost of Illegal Immigration and Progressives Alarming Priorities

Hon. Michele Bachmann says illegal immigration is costing Americans more than $200 billion per year. Bachmann adds that this money is not going for the good of American citizens. Moreover, ...

Short #3: Hon. Michele Bachmann Sounds Alarm on Deadly Democratic Immigration Policy: 'This Has Got to Stop!'

In this short reel, Hon. Michele Bachmann calls out the Democratic Party for its lawless and deadly immigration policy. “The Democrats are literally paying illegal aliens to be their new voters,” ...

Short #2: Michele Bachmann Exposes Venezuelan Gangs in Colorado: A Bold Warning on Illegal Immigration and Political Agendas

In this short video, Hon. Michele Bachmann addresses the recent news from Aurora, Colorado, where Venezuelan gangs have taken over privately owned multi-family housing complexes. Bachmann says the ...

Short #1: Hon. Michele Bachmann Calls for Safety, Prosperity, and an End to Illegal Immigration

In this short video, Joseph Backholm, a contributor to the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI), interviews the Hon. Michele Bachmann, dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent ...

Short #5: Dr. Del Tackett Calls Christians to Daily Prayer for America's Repentance Ahead of 2024 Election

In this short video, author and creator of The Truth Project, and now The Engagement Project, Dr. Del Tackett, says that above all else, Christians who will be voting on November 5, 2024, must be on ...

Short #4: Dr. Del Tackett Reveals the Deadly Legacy of Marxism: Over 100 Million Lives Lost

Author and creator of The Truth Project, and now The Engagement Project, Dr. Del Tackett, says Karl Marx held that an all-powerful state would distribute wealth equally. “In world history, Marxism ...

Short #3: Dr. Del Tackett Exposes Karl Marx: Anti-God, Anti-Family, and the False Promise of Equality

In this reel, Dr. Del Tackett, author and creator of The Truth Project, and now The Engagement Project, describes Karl Marx as anti-God, anti-family, anti-church, and anti-labor. Marx held that an ...

Short #2: Dr. Del Tackett Warns: America's Descent into Marxism is a Demonic Trend

In this brief video, Dr. Del Tackett, author and creator of The Truth Project, and today The Engagement Project, calls America’s precipitous plunge toward Marxism a demonic trend.

Short #1: Dr. Del Tackett: Why the Church Must Engage in Politics to Uphold Biblical Righteousness

In this reel, author and creator of The Truth Project, and now The Engagement Project, Dr. Del Tackett says leaders who say the Church doesn’t belong in politics appear to be unfamiliar with biblical ...