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A Call to Be Salt and Light: Engaging in the Spiritual Battle for Truth

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Alison Centofante and Joseph Backholm, contributors to the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI), interview Dr. Owen Strachan, senior director of the Dobson Culture Center at JDFI. Dr. Strachan says the Bible calls on the Church/Christians to be “salt and light” in the culture—to preserve what is good and righteous in society. This is what salt does. And Christians are called to lift the moral truth and beauty of the Word of God and the Gospel. This is what light does. "I would argue that we're not just in a culture war, but we're in a cosmos war between God and the Devil," says Dr. Strachan.

To define what is currently happening in today's America, Dr. Strachan says there are people on the right side of the political spectrum, occupied by many Christians and individuals who adhere to a conservative or traditional worldview—in varying intensity. And on the left, "I would argue that we've got a lot of wokeness, neo-Marxism, and sexual paganism,” says Dr. Strachan. In defining liberty from a biblical worldview, Dr. Strachan says human beings are the image-bearers of God and, as such, have liberty of conscience. "As Christ-followers, we don't believe, by the sword, we force you to agree with us. Rather, Christians honor the right of the individual to hold their positions of conscience. But as believers, we seek to share the love of Christ and pray that the Holy Spirit will do His work in a person that they will come to true faith in Christ," adds Dr. Strachan.

What is being promoted in the Democratic Party by candidates such as Vice President Kamala Harris is a secular humanist worldview that promotes the idea that the individual is sovereign. And it is this
little god thinking that has led to the abortive horrors brought about by the "my body, my choice" crowd. In the lead-up to the General Election, watch the full video interview for more enlightened insights from Dr. Strachan and share it with your family and friends.