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Glorifying God in our Daily Lives, Part 2

Guest: Paul Blair

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Meet the Hosts

Dr. James Dobson, Ph.D.

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson is the Founder Chairman of Family Talk, a nonprofit organization that produces his radio program, “Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk.” He is the author of more than 30 books...


Gary Bauer

Gary has an accomplished career in the public policy field, having served in numerous leadership positions during the past several decades...


The Hon. Michele Bachmann

The Hon. Michele Bachmann served as a member of the U.S Congress, representing Minnesota’s 6th district as a Republican from 2007 until 2015...

Eric Metaxas

Host: Dr. James Dobson

The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty - Part 2

October 04, 2022

Eric Metaxas

Host: Dr. James Dobson

The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty - Part 1

October 03, 2022

David Barton

Host: Dr. James Dobson

America’s birthday: The Real Story

July 01, 2022

Dr. Lloyd Ogilvie

Host: Dr. James Dobson

Dr. Lloyd Ogilvie: America's Declaration of Independence

September 15, 2020

Sen. Tom Coburn

Host: Dr. James Dobson

The Convention of States: The Dangerous Rise of Socialism Part 2

June 26, 2019

Sen. Tom Coburn

Host: Dr. James Dobson

The Convention of States: Reining in Government Spending Part 1

June 25, 2019

Dennis Prager

Host: Dr. James Dobson

America At Its Best with Dennis Prager

November 03, 2014

Jerry Boykin

Host: Dr. James Dobson

A Message To America

November 13, 2013