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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper

Dr. Jack Graham

Host: Dr. Tim Clinton

December 20, 2021

Twelve years ago, when doctors told Pastor Jack Graham that they might not have removed all of his prostate cancer, he sank into a dark night of depression. Graham, the author of Reignite: Fresh Focus for an Enduring Faith, shares that he felt then as if he'd been hit by a Mack truck and left in a ditch. Citing Moses and Elijah, as well as Lincoln and Churchill, all of whom battled depression, Graham explains that the key to finding your way through darkness is to saturate your mind with the truth of Scripture.

Meet the Guest(s)


Dr. Jack Graham

Dr. Jack Graham is the senior pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, and founder of PowerPoint Ministries. He is the author of numerous books including Man of God, You Can Make a Difference, and Reignite: Fresh Focus for an Enduring Faith. He has served as honorary chairman of the National Day of Prayer in 2015 and two terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. Graham and his wife, Deb, have three grown children and eight grandchildren.

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