Dr. James Dobson
Dr. James Dobson
David Green is an American businessman, philanthropist, and the founder of Hobby Lobby, a chain of arts and crafts stores. Green is also an author, his newest release being Giving It All AwayAnd Getting It All Back Again: Building A Lasting Family Legacy. A devout Christian, Green is known for having built Hobby Lobby squarely on biblical principles. The business started out in his garage back in 1970 and today there are over 600 stores that employ over 30,000 people across America. Green lives in southwest Oklahoma City with his wife Barbara. They have three children; Mart Green, who is the founder and CEO of Mardel Christian and Educational Supply and of Every Tribe Entertainment, Steve Green who is the President of Hobby Lobby and currently working on The Museum of The Bible, and DarseeLettwho is the Creative Director for the Hobby Lobby stores. They have multiple grandchildren and great-grandchildren.