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Let the Buyer Beware - Part 2

Guest: Dave Ramsey

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Let the Buyer Beware - Part 2

Guest: Dave Ramsey

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Jan Harrison

Host: Dr. James Dobson

April 11, 2024

In 2010, Jan Harrison received the devastating news that her 27-year-old son, James, had died on the mission field in Sudan, Africa. Today on Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson and Jan discuss this dark valley in her life. No matter how tragic the storm is, she encourages that God will provide for us. “He has already gone before, He knows the other side, He knows what we will need.” In John 16:33, Jesus says, “I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Meet the Guest(s)


Jan Harrison

Jan Harrison is an author, speaker, and Bible study teacher who has inspired thousands of women over the past 20 years with her ministry service. She experienced life after the storm when her son, James, died unexpectedly. Jan serves on the board of With Open Eyes, a ministry co-founded by her husband and their son to accelerate the gospel in Africa. Jan has written two books, Life After the Storm, and Becoming a Woman Who Knows God by Name. She and her husband, Frank, have three grown daughters and reside in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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