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Toxic Empathy: How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion, Part 2

Guest: Allie Beth Stuckey

Dr. Tim Clinton

Host: Dr. James Dobson

December 24, 2021

On today's Christmas Eve edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson and co-host Dr. Tim Clinton share cherished Christmas memories. Dr. Tim Clinton recalls how touched neighbors were when their family rang the doorbell, sang Christmas carols, and delivered fruit baskets on Christmas Eve, while Dr. Dobson remembers how inviting a widow from church, Mamie, was the highlight of the Dobson's Christmas Eve celebration one special year. She spent hours sharing photo albums and treasured memories of her time with her late husband, with whom she served as missionary in the Virgin Islands. In the midst of all the festivities, don't lose sight of reaching out to others in the name of Christ to bless them.

Meet the Guest(s)


Dr. Tim Clinton

Dr. Tim Clinton is president of the American Association of Christian Counselors, and co-host of Family Talk, the radio ministry of the James Dobson Family Institute. He is recognized as a world leader in mental health and relationship issues, and spends much of his time working with Christian leaders and professional athletes. He is the author of over 30 books including The Struggle is Real: How to Care for Mental Health Needs in the Church. Dr. Clinton has served at Liberty University for over 30 years in numerous leadership and academic positions including professor of counseling at the James C. Dobson Center for Child Development, Marriage, and Family Studies. He is also the resident authority on mental health and relationships for the James Dobson Family Institute. Dr. Clinton is married to Julie, and they have two children and one grandchild.