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Making Marriage Last

Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

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Making Marriage Last

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July 17, 2020

Why Families Must Read The Bible Together

Jumping into the deep end of the swimming pool head first… may I have permission to speak with you freely? I have visited with over 8,000 families in their homes and on their doorsteps selling Bibles and books. I was a door-to-door salesman for Thomas Nelson, Inc., and I observed many things. Additionally, as I interacted with thousands of pastors, church leaders, and church members over the past thirty-five years, I discovered sobering findings.

My experience strongly convinces me that the majority of us have pushed off the discipleship of our children onto the pastor, youth pastor, church, youth program, Sunday school teacher, Christian school, etc. Basically, someone else other than ourselves.

Most church goers are not reading the Bible on a daily basis and they are definitely not teaching it to their children and grandchildren. Most do not have a daily block of time to be alone with the LORD, and they do not have time committed for daily family devotions. Personally, from the situations that I have encountered, this lack of attention to spiritual wellness is NOT working out there. We are losing too many of our children and the enemy is successfully eroding our families.

In the book One Home At A Time, Dennis Rainey puts forth the thought that we will not change any individual, family, church, community, state, or nation until parents and grandparents get back to teaching the Bible in our homes.

We must practice what God instructed Moses to follow in Deuteronomy 6:6-9, "These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."

I hear that due to COVID-19, some families are reevaluating their priorities and spending much more quality time together. I am excited about these reports because this should be a wake-up call for us all. What is most important? Where are we going to turn for the answers? Who should be responsible to teach?

The answer to me is simple: Get back to reading and talking about the Bible, and having family devotions together. The Bible and its stories WILL always change someone.


Listen to Glenn Ransom on the daily broadcast.

On this broadcast, Dr. Tim Clinton sits down with Glenn Ransom, founder of the ministry, Bible In Stories. The two discuss the lack of intentional spiritual growth in the average Christian home. Glenn also talks about the interactive family devotional he's created, that encourages moms and dads to read the Bible with their kids.

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Learn More about the Guest

Glenn Ransom is the President and Creator of Bible In Stories. Glenn has been challenging individuals, families and congregations to get back to the Bible and family devotions since 1984. He has recruited and trained thousands to run their own businesses and ministries that now serve all over the world. After personally delivering over 8,000 in-home presentations to parents and grandparents, God gave Glenn insight on how to solve the many challenges individuals face regarding effective biblical family devotions in their homes. He started and created the Bible In Stories set in 2006, which is now in its 3rd printing with 17,000+ customers. Glenn and Kathy are blessed with six children, five of which are now adults. They have homeschooled all their children and reside on their family farm in Tennessee.

Glenn Ransom Family

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