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Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

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October 28, 2022

When Children Teach Mom Lessons About Christ

Did you know God can use your children to teach you great lessons about the Christian life? They may not speak great truths or share incredible wisdom with their speech. But He can use them to teach you about your relationship with Him and how the Christian life is lived out. All you have to do is watch and learn. Here's one such lesson I learned from my kids in the early weeks of the pandemic.

I remember wondering to myself at the start of the pandemic why my kids seemed so fine with the craziness going on around us. I was struggling with a little fear and worry, but they seemed fine and content. We started a kitchen renovation the same week everything shut down, so we added having no kitchen to the chaos of the global pandemic. With schooling six children from home, warming up microwave meals, and loud sounds from the contractors, my kids never once complained or seemed discontent. It was so unusual that I took notice of it and pondered it in my heart.

Then one day when I was praying and thinking about my relationship with God, I thought about my children and their relationship with me. That's when it hit me: I am my children's constant.

A constant is something that is always going to be there. Your constant will never change in their love for you. Your constant will always take care of you and meet your every need. A constant is your guard and protects you from evil. You can trust your constant. And you depend on your constant for literally everything. Your constant gives you the assurance that everything is going to be alright.

When my children woke up in the morning, they didn't necessarily know exactly where their meals were going to come from. They didn't think about daddy and whether or not he was going to keep his job. They didn't know if we had enough money to pay for the things they needed. They didn't know if we were going to get sick and die. They didn't know if there was going to be internet service to join their live classes. They didn't know what was going to happen to them that day. Those were the things my husband and I thought about.

But when my children woke up, I was right there. I was right there every single morning. I never left them. I greeted them with a smile and a "good morning." I made sure we had instant oatmeal and ramen noodles to heat up with our Keurig. I took out enough frozen meals for all of us to eat that day. My husband and I made sure they had all the school supplies they needed. I would take them outside to go on walks or just to play. I asked about how things were going so I could know how to encourage them. I did whatever I could to make an uncomfortable situation a little more bearable for them.

My children knew that whatever was going on around us, however chaotic it may be, mom was right there. Everything was going to be alright. As long as they woke up and I was there, it was going to be a good day.

They really helped me see how I should be with my Lord and Savior. I sin with frustration and impatience. I get scared and worried. I sometimes speak out of anger. I can't love my kids perfectly. But they love me in spite of my inabilities, faults, and failures! Oh, how my children help me to see how Jesus loves me!

Jesus is my constant. He loves me with a perfect love regardless of how many times I fail. He has my best interest and the best plan for me. He will never leave me nor forsake me. He will give me the grace to face every situation in a way that honors Him. He gives me His peace. He comforts me. He is my shield and protector. Nothing will happen to me unless He wills it. And whatever happens, is for my good and His glory. He encourages me through His Word and through my fellow believers. He really cares about everything that concerns me. He will always meet my needs. He helps me through my sin struggles by interceding for me. Jesus is everything I need. Jesus is my sure hope. I need not trust in anything or anyone else.

This time in my life has helped Jesus shine brighter as the world becomes dimmer.

One of my favorite passages for all of life is John 6:66-68:
"As a result of this many of His disciples left and would no longer walk with Him. So Jesus said to the twelve, "You do not want to leave also, do you?" Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. And we have already believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God."

People are trying so hard to preserve their short earthly way of life that they have forgotten Jesus, Who gives and sustains life. And ultimately, Jesus is the giver of eternal life, which is forever! People are running to political parties, equality, medicines, jobs, natural eating, stockpiling, and even Clorox wipes. All of those things are great, but they can become idols if we put our hope in them instead of God.

The world is literally crumbling all around us like a house with an unstable foundation. Put your hope in Christ. Let Him be your constant. He makes promises and will always deliver. Idols make promises but can never deliver. That's the futility of false worship.

I say along with Peter that there is nowhere else to go. Nothing this world has to offer can ever satisfy me, give me peace, hope, or eternal life. Jesus is my constant. Jesus is my hope. Everything is going to be alright.

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

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