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May 6, 2024

What’s the Most Important Thing Your Mom Taught You?

Mother's Day is a wonderful opportunity to express to our moms that we love and care about them. Moms are the ones who gave us life, or adopted us into our forever family.

Sadly, for some people it can be a difficult day. Your mother has passed or she lives far away. Perhaps you've had a falling out. Or, your mom wasn't present in your life physically or emotionally.

The occasion can also be emotionally challenging for women who long to have children and, for whatever reason, do not.

On the converse, maybe you have or had a great mom. She is (was) kind, caring, and nurturing. You could always count on her to love you, listen to what's on your heart, and encourage you. What a blessing!

No matter what your life experience has been with your mom, this Mother's Day we're choosing to celebrate by remembering what we've learned from the women who raised us.

What was the most important thing your mom taught you?

Here are a few things some readers shared about what they've learned from their mothers.

Practice Hospitality
"My mom taught me how to always be ready to invite people over to share a meal." —Judy

Have Hope
"My mom taught me to have faith and hope—no matter what the situation. She had multiple sclerosis for more than 30 years and never stopped believing that God could heal her." —Sue

Find the Good in Others
"My mom was kind, fiercely protective, stern when necessary, and beautiful. She taught us to find the good in people, no matter how difficult or impossible it seemed. We felt safe and protected always." —Tina

Respect Your Husband
"My mom taught me to always tell the truth. She also respected my father, which taught me through her words and actions to respect my husband." —Adlay

Do the Right Thing
"My mom set an amazing example of abstinence for me and my brothers during our pre-teen years. After two failed marriages, she began dating the man who would become her third husband. While they dated for two years, she never let him sleep in the house." —Brad

Have Patience
"My mom taught me to have patience. She led by example, always slow to anger, as she raised two girls who seemed to know it all (especially during our high school years)." —Miss K

Love Others
"The most important thing my dear mother taught me was to always love others by trying to understand them." —Tweeny

God Made You for His Purposes
"My mother showed me Jesus. And, that God designed me specifically for my purpose in life. To compare myself to others doesn't do any good because they weren't designed for my purpose—only I was." —Megan

Life is a Gift
"The best thing my mom gave me? The gift of life!" —Joe

Cherish Family
Dr. James Dobson, founder chairman of the James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI) and the Family Talk radio broadcast, had an amazing mother, Myrtle Dobson. In his book, Your Legacy, Dr. Dobson wrote:

"My mother and father loved me dearly. She had a remarkable knowledge of children and their care. She never took a class or read a book about mothering, but she had an intuitive understanding of the job…Myrtle Dobson was a very bright and compassionate lady."

He also shared this, "My mother was a very strong woman. Despite difficulties, she succeeded in the two areas of parenting that matter most. She loved me and she knew that attending church was important for her son."

Stay Young at Heart
As for me (Jackie), my mom, Patti, taught me to stay young at heart and emphasized the importance of life-long learning. Now in her senior years, she still takes classes—whether it's Irish history, gardening, or learning how to build confidence in public speaking with a Toastmaster course.

So to all the moms—mothers, godmothers, spiritual moms, pet moms, or women who are "like a mom"—Happy Mother's Day!

Blessings and joy on your special day.

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