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Women and Friendships, Part 2

Guest: Dee Brestin

Recent Broadcasts


January 26, 2017

What man can’t do

Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. 
John 17:3 

Think about all the incredible inventions man has created over the generations. Which ones are the best? Perhaps you’re partial to the flushing toilet – a great one – or the telephone, which would be hard to live without these days. Both of those have made our lives a lot easier!

But in spite of how smart we are (or think we are), mankind has yet to come up with an invention that can defeat our ultimate enemy: death. Just imagine how much money you’d make if you discovered a way to cheat death and live forever!

Yet no one’s done it. And no matter how hard we try and how many medical breakthroughs we see, death is still around. But there’s good news – God has taken care of that for us. All you have to do is simply put your faith in Jesus.

Man will always fail us because we’re limited in our understanding. But if we’ll put our faith in Jesus Christ and trust in His death and resurrection for forgiveness of our sins, we’ll cheat death and live forever!

Prayer Challenge:

Thank God for providing eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ!

Questions for Thought:

When you think about the day you’ll move from this life to the next, what anxieties do you have?

How does having eternal life in Christ bring comfort to those anxieties?

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