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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

Guest: Laura Petherbridge


February 1, 2024

Watch Out for the Entitlement Trap


For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.  

Galatians 5:17


From earliest childhood, our impulse is to focus on ourselves and to disregard the needs of others. That often rears its head in the form of the thought, "I deserve more." It leads us to demand the best deal, the lion's share, the most credit, and the finest of everything. 

And, yes, this "I deserve it" attitude can permeate marriages. Resentment can build over who works the hardest, who spends more than his or her share of the money, and who is not doing enough to serve the other. Anger then erupts over insignificant irritants that bubble up from the cauldron of emotions. Many fights in marriage begin with the belief that we're being cheated in the relationship.

Beware of this trap. The minute we begin thinking we are entitled to more, we start down the slippery road to selfishness. It can devastate a relationship.

Jesus didn't deserve to be nailed to a wooden cross, but out of love for the Father and us, He allowed Himself to be crucified. This kind of sacrificial love seeks to serve, not "deserve"—and that changes everything!

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