Let me turn our attention to a topic that is as utterly preposterous as it is egregious—it is this idea of transgenderism. As Christians, we can and should show compassion for anyone wrestling with the condition of gender dysphoria. However, if we truly care for someone, we will speak truth into their lives. This is what makes this issue so morally confounding—the absolute abandonment of truth for the sake of wokeness.
The medically unfounded notion that a man can believe his way into becoming a woman or vice versa. A person's psychological mindset cannot change his or her biological make-up. As Dr. Paul McHugh, professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University of Medicine has stated, "Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they 'identify.' In that lies their problematic future."1
I couldn't agree more. I've spent much of my early career in medicine studying the veracity of this truth and have written several books that touch upon the physiological differences between males and females. While modern medicine may be used to alter the physical appearance and even manipulate the hormone production in a person's body, it can never reassign one's sex determined at conception and obvious at birth. This is an undeniable scientific fact.
However, we are tragically seeing woke-driven physicians attempting to "re-fashion" children from one sex to the other, and the results are devastating and nothing less than child abuse. Through a concoction of "puberty blockers" and "cross-sex hormones," along with surgeries, some medical professionals are experimenting on young children in the name of "gender-affirming healthcare." However, there is no evidence that supports this treatment is safe for our children. Rather, it is just the opposite.
There is not a single long-term study that demonstrates the safety or efficacy of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries for transgender-believing youth.
Temporary use of the puberty blocker Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility. Add to this the fact that physically healthy transgender-believing girls are undergoing double mastectomies at 13 and hysterectomies at 16, while their male counterparts are referred for surgical castration and penectomies at 16 and 17, respectively, and it becomes clear that affirming transition in children is nothing short of mutilating and sterilizing emotionally-troubled youth.
Many medical organizations around the world, including the Australian College of Physicians, the Royal College of General Practitioners in the United Kingdom, and the Swedish National Council for Medical Ethics have characterized these interventions in children as experimental and dangerous. World-renowned Swedish psychiatrist Dr. Christopher Gillberg has called for "an immediate moratorium on the use of puberty blocker drugs because of their unknown long-term effects."2
Unfortunately, this non-scientific and anti-biblical transgender craze is being pushed onto our children across all sectors of life. This past month, Disney CEO Bob Chapek spoke out against Florida's legislature for passing the Protect Parental Rights Bill, legislation that would ensure parental rights over their children's education as well as prohibit teachers from instructing kindergartners through third-graders about sex and gender identity.3 How can a corporation that caters to families argue with a policy that protects kids? As if that weren't enough, Disney executives are now promising to promote even more transgenderism and queerness in their entertainment for children.4 My good friend, Gary Bauer, rightfully denounced Disney and posed the question, "How much longer before Mickey Mouse breaks up with Minnie and announces he is 'transitioning' to a female rodent?"5
Decades ago, Gary and I wrote a book entitled Children At Risk. We saw the coming culture war that was aimed directly at our youngest. Sadly, much of what we predicted has happened, and the moral foundation that once supported the developing character of our children has almost completely crumbled—and it is only getting worse.
We are seeing this bombardment of evil intensify everywhere. Here are some headlines just within the last few months.
Indiana Activists to Host Sex-Ed 'Kink' Camp for Children Grades 3-5, including Condom Demonstration (Daily Caller)6
Nation's Trans Kids Would Be Offered "Place of Refuge" in California With New Bill (KQED News)7
A Seattle museum is hosting a summer camp for kids as young as 12-years-old that encourages them to find their "drag personas." (Fox News)8
If this does not raise your dander and drive you to your knees in fervent prayer for the morality of our country and the welfare of our youth, I don't know what will. I have long stated that sins committed against children are the most grievous. That is why I believe our Lord made the following statement: "It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin." (Luke 17:2)
Children who identify as transgender are a very vulnerable population. Many have experienced serious trauma and endured real pain that deserves our compassion. But encouraging them to reject God's design as reflected in His creation will never be the right or loving thing to do."9
I pray that my burden and heartache for our children has touched your heart in a manner that moves you toward action. Yes, we must contact our president, our legislators, and our school boards and let them know that we will protect our children and grandchildren against this relentless attack on God's design for human sexuality. But even more importantly, as parents and grandparents, we need to prioritize what must come first.
A recent Barna study revealed the greatest concern that Christian parents have for their children is their lack of spiritual development.10 Given what I just shared, I am not surprised at the findings. Our kids are under attack on all fronts of life, and they will go through struggles. However, this is not a time for despair or a time to give the enemy a foothold. God has positioned us as parents and grandparents to make a difference.
And as Shirley and I know firsthand, we must saturate these efforts in ardent prayer, remembering that our Lord has overcome this world, and He will hear our petitions. Always.
"Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." (Romans 8:37, NKJV)
*Excerpted from Dr. Dobson’s May 2022 newsletter
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