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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson is the Founder Chairman of the James Dobson Family Institute. He has an earned Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees.

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Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett is the architect and teacher of The Truth Project—a worldwide small group initiative designed to instill a Christian worldview within the body of Christ.

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February 2, 2018

Women Need Space, Too

Women who feel isolated and lonely often look to their husbands to satisfy what has been called their "soul hunger." It is a role men have never handled very well. I doubt if farmers came ...

January 11, 2018

Women Have Needs That Men Do Not Comprehend

"Home-work" imposes some special frustrations and tensions on women, and we should face them squarely. Even for a mother who is deeply committed to her family and its welfare, there may be ...

May 1, 2017

Men's and Women's Differences in Sexual Desire

Question: Dr. Dobson, can you be more specific regarding the differences in sexual desire and preferences between males and females? Since I'm getting married next July, I would like to ...

January 19, 2017

From Blahs to Bliss: Reigniting Romance in Marriage

Question: Dr. Dobson, tell me why it is inevitable for couples with good marriages to go through "flat spots" or "the blahs," and can you offer more advice about what to do when those times ...

January 19, 2017

When Married Couples Should Act Like Teenagers

My wife and I love each other very much, but we're going through a time of apathy. We just don't feel close to each other. Is this normal, and is there a way to bring back the fire? This ...

July 15, 2016

Fathers and the Empty Nest

When we hear the phrase empty nest we often think of mothers who are going through pain and depression as their children move away. But research shows that fathers feel the pain as wellin ...

March 1, 2016

Never Take Your Marriage for Granted

We have discussed the importance of being intentional about investing time in your spouse. Of equal importance is attitude. An attitude of service and sacrificethe Im Third philosophyis an ...

February 19, 2016

Lay Down Rights and Take Up Responsibility

Question: Dr. Dobson, with regards to my spouses bad behavior, I have been taught by Christian leaders who say as believers, "We have no rights." If I understand what they say, I should not ...