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The Dragon’s Prophecy, Part 2

Guest: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

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The Dragon’s Prophecy, Part 2

Guest: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

The Dragon’s Prophecy, Part 1

Guest: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Bonhoeffer: A Hero Then and Now, Part 2

Guest: Eric Metaxas

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson is the Founder Chairman of the James Dobson Family Institute. He has an earned Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees.

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Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett is the architect and teacher of The Truth Project—a worldwide small group initiative designed to instill a Christian worldview within the body of Christ.

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Joe Waresak

Joe Waresak

Joe Waresak is the president of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI). Previously, he served as JDFI’s chief operating officer for five years.

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May 22, 2023

Understanding Husbands' and Wives' Differing Complaints

Perhaps you know that the divorce rate in America is now higher than in any other civilized nation in the world. That is tragic. Even more distressing to me is the knowledge that the ...

March 16, 2023

The Self-Giving Love of a Wife

Author: Trina Alleyne

Another wife just walked away from her marriage. We hear it all too often. But why? They weren't getting the love they needed? Or they just weren't happy. Is my marriage all about me and my ...

December 9, 2022

Is Your Marriage a "Safe Haven"?

How emotionally connected are you and your spouse? Is your marriage one where you feel understood, and in which arguments can be resolved? Where you trust each other with your hearts? Or ...

June 16, 2022

Do You Hold Your Spouse's Heart?

In the Germanic language of Afrikaans, "I love you" is expressed by the words, "Ek het jou lief." Which literally means, "I hold your heart." What a powerful way to say, "You know I love ...

October 20, 2021

Special Bonding in Marriage

What are the mysterious ingredients that almost all good marriages have in common? What accounts for the marvelous blending of personalities when two separate and distinct individuals ...

September 30, 2021

How to Complain So Your Spouse Will Listen

Why won't your husband listen to the good advice nestled in your complaints? If only he could value the 'suggestion box' you set up for him and read the 'complaints' you regularly deposit. ...

September 23, 2021

5 Marriage Secrets from Happy Couples

Author: Rhonda Stoppe

Forty years ago, I had on the biggest hat-vale thing you've ever seen. With about a million buttons down the back of my high-necked, Victorian-style wedding gown, I walked down the aisle ...

December 7, 2020

Accept the Unresolvables

Some wives will discover that they are married to a mate who will never be able to fully express himself or understand the needs that I have described. His emotional structure makes it ...