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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson is the Founder Chairman of the James Dobson Family Institute. He has an earned Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees.

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Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett is the architect and teacher of The Truth Project—a worldwide small group initiative designed to instill a Christian worldview within the body of Christ.

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April 4, 2018

I Love You, Daddy

It's a well-known fact that kids identify their parentsand especially their fatherswith God. One day when I was out of town on business, Shirley asked our son, Ryan, then two years old, to ...

October 31, 2017

Shaping Sons Into Men

Our focus has been on the ways boys differ from their sisters and the particular needs that are associated with masculinity. We have also considered the burgeoning crisis that confronts our ...

July 5, 2017

Why Rules Alone Don't Work

The culture is at war with parents for the hearts and minds of their children. I dont need to describe this battle because you see it, too. Parents in decades past would not have believed ...

March 22, 2017

You’re Different and That’s Good!


Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband. —Ephesians 5:33 In Men are Like Wafflesȁ

March 8, 2017

The Influence of Friends


The day Tim and I left Megan at kindergarten was really hard for us. Her hair was up in a bow, and her lunch box was at her side. We sat her down at her desk, got out her crayons, made ...

November 17, 2016

How you can rejoice in the midst of loss

One night in December of 1914, a fire in West Orange, New Jersey, claimed Thomas Edison’s manufacturing facilities and with it, almost $1 million worth of equipment and the record of much ...