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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson is the Founder Chairman of the James Dobson Family Institute. He has an earned Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees.

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Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett is the architect and teacher of The Truth Project—a worldwide small group initiative designed to instill a Christian worldview within the body of Christ.

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May 10, 2017

Parenting Is A DIY Job!

Author: Rebecca Hagelin

A new mom, my friend found herself drowning in marketing materials from unsolicited experts of every kind. It started even before her daughter was born. Doulas, childbirth educators, ...

May 3, 2017

When Will You Be Free?


How many women do you know who are really free? I don’t know many. Bondage is everywhere. We’re haunted by our pasts, burdened by self-pity, unwilling or unable to forgive ourselves or o

May 2, 2017

How to stay out of life’s bad ruts

Many years ago when the Western United States was being settled, most of the roads consisted only of wagon tracks. These tough roads were very hard to navigate, particularly because wagons ...

January 27, 2017

Forgiveness Is A Gift


Your child is dishonest to you. A friend betrays you. Your boss disrespects you in front of other co-workers. Your man lied; even cheated, breaking the trust you worked so hard to build. ...

January 24, 2017

Avoiding the cancer of concealed sin

Robert Wood Johnson, former chairman of Johnson & Johnson, had a reputation for being especially stringent when he inspected his manufacturing plants. One day, a plant manager got a tip ...

October 5, 2016

Your words come back to you

There once was a little boy named Billy who got in a fight with another boy at school – and lost. Billy got home, and his mother told him to put some ice on his black eye. While he was ...

May 11, 2015

Return Kindness for Hostility

Question: Dr. Dobson, I have a very unhappy and miserable neighbor who can't get along with anybody. She has fought with everyone she knows at one time or another. I decided that I was ...

November 20, 2014

After the Fight

Sometimes its not the fight itself thats damaging, but what happens when the battle is over. Think for a moment about your own verbal spats with your mate. Do they usually result in a time ...