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Latest Broadcast

Women and Friendships, Part 1

Guest: Dee Brestin

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson is the Founder Chairman of the James Dobson Family Institute. He has an earned Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees.

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Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett is the architect and teacher of The Truth Project—a worldwide small group initiative designed to instill a Christian worldview within the body of Christ.

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June 26, 2015

Expectations and Disillusionment

The keyword here is expectations. They set us up for disillusionment. There is no greater distress in human experience than to build one's entire way of life on a certain theological ...

June 24, 2015

How Meal Time Can Save Your Family

Author: Rebecca Hagelin

It's hard to overemphasize the importance of sharing meals as a family—sitting down, away from distractions, as a group—as often as possible. There is just something about the simple, ro

June 24, 2015

Dealing with Betrayal and Abandonment

Perhaps you are among those who have struggled to comprehend a particular heartache and God's reason for allowing it. A thousand unanswered questions have been recycling in your mindmost of ...

June 16, 2015

List of 100 Proverbs to Fathers for Daughters

Here is a great list of proverbs that are intended especially for dads, but have just as much application for moms and grandparents too. Enjoy these pearls of wisdom!

June 15, 2015

Good People Make America Great

Author: Rebecca Hagelin

Gavin Rupp, a 13-year old Virginia boy with terminal brain cancer, knows what that’s like. A baseball player, Gavin’s been a Washington Nationals fan for as long as he can remember. Base

June 9, 2015

Mothers and Sons

Okay, Mom, let's talk about what it means to be a boy and how you might relate better to them. I have the highest respect and admiration for those who are blessed to be called mothers. ...

June 9, 2015

Adults Acting Like Children

Adults will occasionally challenge one another for the same reasons they challenged their parents as children. Unconsciously, perhaps, they are asking the question, "How much courage do you ...

June 1, 2015

Restoring the Information Flow

Your sharing must sometimes extend to difficult subjects. If youre in charge of the family finances, and youve accidentally or foolishly depleted the bank account, dont hide itlet your ...