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I am Rahab: Touched by God, Fully Restored

Guest: Autumn Miles

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Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson is the Founder Chairman of the James Dobson Family Institute. He has an earned Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees.

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Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett

Dr. Del Tackett is the architect and teacher of The Truth Project—a worldwide small group initiative designed to instill a Christian worldview within the body of Christ.

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March 9, 2018

God Makes Sense Even When He Doesnt Make Sense, Part 4

Several years ago, there was a Broadway theatrical performance called, "Your Arm's Too Short to Box with God." I didn't see it, but I agree with the premise behind the title. The human ...

March 2, 2018

Mom's Enduring Lessons of Love and Devotion

Author: Rebecca Hagelin

I've been thinking about my mom a lot lately. Gone for over 15 years now, I can still see her smile and feel her all-encompassing warm embrace. Mom was vivacious, generous and brilliant — a

February 22, 2018

Sensual Beauty


God created sex for physical pleasure between a husband and wife. In the context of marriage, sexual intimacy is a good. Beautiful. God-honoring. Holy. In fact, it's worship. While many ...

February 14, 2018

God's Woman


At some point in her life, every woman struggles with believing that God loves her. No, not that God loves the world. But that God loves her. I'll be honest… sometimes, I wonder. When I ...

February 7, 2018

Miriam's Mess-Up


Understanding forgiveness starts with seeing how God relates to us. Every day, God gives us grace and forgiveness that we don't deserve. Forgiving doesn't minimize wrong-doing. And it ...

February 7, 2018

Love By Serving

Husband, we're speaking especially to you. We urge you to study your wife. What is it that speaks to her heart?

February 2, 2018

Creating the Mood

Romance can mean vastly different things to women and men, but for most of us the word describes that wonderful feeling of being noticed, wanted, and pursuedof being at the very center of ...

February 2, 2018

A Wife's Countenance

If you really want to know about a man and what kind of character he has, you need only look at the countenance of his wife. Everything he has invested, or withheld, will be there.