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The Three Enemies of Your Mental Health, Part 1

Guest: Kenza Haddock

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May 15, 2016

Living Empowered: Discovering the Power of God in Everyday Life


Recently, I’ve been pondering the whole idea of “connecting the power of God to everyday life.” It started when I came across this verse while reading the Bible:

“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life…” (2 Peter 1:3).

Do I have “everything I need” for a godly life? And, am I genuinely realizing the power God in my own life? And if not, how do I do that?

Could God’s love and power working in me really help me to:

• forgive someone who’s hurt me when I simply do not feel like forgiving?

• break a bad habit?

• move forward in life when I feel stuck?

• face fears or deal with adversity?

• handle the juggling act of life: the competing demands from work, family, ministry, friends and other commitments?

The answer, thankfully, is yes!

God never asked us to live this messy and challenging life in our own human strength. And, though we often try, willpower and sheer determination just won’t go the distance.

We need the power of God every day, in every area of our lives.

The good news: Out of His great love, God infuses us with His amazing power so we can accomplish His good purposes. With God’s power at work in me, I am able to do what I simply cannot do in my own human strength.

When we get connected—and stay connected—to the true source of wisdom, love and power, Jesus Christ, we can experience true transformation and live empowered.

Living empowered starts with getting connected. When you are in a relationship with someone, you are connected; when you’re not, you are disconnected. Your most important relationship in life is first with Jesus Christ. When you ask Christ to come into your heart, you are saved from your sins, and you are connected with Him; you are connected with the source of power—and of love, wisdom, healing and infinitely more. He gives us the power of God to live out the purposes of God in our lives.

Living empowered is about staying connected. John 15:15 tells us about the vine and branches, and how they need to stay attached or they will die. Likewise, we need to stay connected to Christ or our spiritual lives wither and dry up. Staying connected means to “abide in Christ,” to remain, to stick around, to hang out, to be with him. As we pray and read God’s Word—and seek to apply it to our lives—we develop a stronger relationship and connection.

Living empowered is about finding your true purpose—and living your priorities—because you know who you are in Christ (a well-loved son or daughter, a child of the King, and so much more).

Living empowered means you can have improved relationships because unconditional love, changes everything. God gives us the power to handle everyday life, but it is power that acts from ultimate love. It’s power to help, heal, grow and mend relationships, not to destroy. As we bask in the love Christ has for us, we are better equipped to love others.

Living empowered means you can make a difference. With God’s power working in you, your light will shine and you can make an impact as you seek to serve him in your home or workplace, your neighborhood, or across the ocean.

Living empowered is about overcoming despite circumstances. When we feel incapable, when things seem impossible, when we simply don’t know what to do, there is hope. Always hope for better days ahead. God’s power in us calms the fears, restores brokenness and gives us joy—even when life is hard.

Your life can be different. You really can change. Not by positive thinking of self-effort, but by the power of God. He can empower you to become a more loving person or a more effective leader, a kinder soul or a better listener.

With the power of God at work in you and through you, you can live with greater purpose, fortitude and faith. You can be a person of confident hope and peace.

Out of His great love, God infuses us with His amazing power so we can accomplish His good purposes.

Are you connected?

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