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I am Rahab: Touched by God, Fully Restored

Guest: Autumn Miles

Recent Broadcasts


August 23, 2017

How Connected Are You?

“For the body does not consist of one member but of many.” 
—1 Corinthians 12:14 

Cell phones. The Internet. Social Media. We are constantly connected. Technologically, we are closer together than ever. Yet relationally, we couldn’t be further apart. Isn’t it ironic that as “social” as our world is today, we are getting less relational? Loneliness is one of the great social ills of our day. Our world is full of lonely people. People are longing for connection and true community and love.

As a member of the body of Christ, we find true community and connection. This is the way that God designed it. His bride, the church, is meant to live in a way that exemplifies God to the world. We are meant to live in unity and love. We find encouragement, friendship, and love within the body of Christ. We are connected to Christ, through his sacrifice for us. And we are connected to each other as members of God’s family.

Are you feeling isolated, alone, disconnected from the body of Christ? How can you take practical steps to grow in community with other believers? I would encourage you to get involved in a local church, a local Bible study or small group. Find women who you can connect with, face to face. Your life will be rich as you learn to live as a member in the body of Christ.
Sister, you’re never alone.

“We are connected to Christ, through his sacrifice for us.”


1 Corinthians 12:20-31, Philippians 1:27, Romans 12:4-5


Let your Spirit fill my life with joy, O Lord, so my despair and loneliness will vanish. Remind me that I am connected to you Jesus and to your body, my brothers and sisters.

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