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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

Guest: Laura Petherbridge


January 8, 2020

Behind Enemy Lines

It's been five years since our first trip to Iraq. When I think of all that God has done through our 70 missions—our reach to identify and restore victims of evil in the Middle East—I will never forget how it all began.

In 2015, the threat of ISIS and the natural fears that would be associated with anyone's first trip to the Middle East ranged from small to great, depending upon the moment. The video footage of tortures and executions that we watched showed us the reality of what we might face. As a father and husband, I had to ask myself, what was I doing?

Things progressed quickly when my bride, Eileen, approached me and shared that she felt impressed from the Lord to go, as well. My immediate response was, "No! You're not!" As a woman of strong faith and prayer, she simply shared that she believed our team would be successful in our attempts to rescue young girls held captive as sex slaves, and in those moments, and in that culture, only a woman could reach out with the love of the Lord in her heart and embrace these princesses.

Eileen persisted and asked, "What's the worst thing that could happen—dying?" I responded, "Yes!" I knew full well that the possible process of death in this region and the manner it could take is what made this so horrific. Once again, she countered my opposition with her thoughtful response—"Then don't we still win?"

Before we left on that first mission, we were blessed to meet with our dear friend, Dr. James Dobson. He prayed for us, and in that moment, I was thankful for the Spirit's leading to record those words on my phone knowing the encouragement it would be for our team and for me during those tough days away. In his prayer, he said, "What a privilege to be persecuted or to die for our faith, for Christ, if it comes to that." Those words rang out in my soul that God would be glorified in our faithful obedience, regardless of the outcome the world saw.

Even if our trip had unfolded in the worst way my imagination could fathom, it was an amazing privilege for us to be involved in anything He is doing. With the little faith we have, we have been used by God these past five years to recover and facilitate rescues of women and children in the Middle East and around the world. The rescue of their hearts and minds from the horrors they have experienced is the long-term work, the ministry, that we continue to do to this day and beyond. I pray that we all are faithful to the opportunities to practically love the lost in His world.

Dr. Dobson interviews Victor and Eileen Marx on the daily broadcast.

Humanitarians Victor and Eileen Marx explain why that statute still applies to believers today. They talk to Dr. Dobson about their spiritual journeys and backgrounds and then describe their passion for philanthropic work around the world.

Listen to Day 1

On this broadcast, Dr. Dobson welcomes back his friends, Victor and Eileen Marx, to the Family Talk studios. The Marxes discuss their main humanitarian initiatives, while Victor explains how his own battle with PTSD has allowed him to help others.

Listen to Day 2

Learn More about the Writer

Victor Marx is a former United States Marine who specialized as a weapons instructor and remains an expert competitive shooter. He is a 7th degree black belt who has trained with numerous military and law enforcement groups around the country. He and his wife Eileen are founders of All Things Possible ministries. Their focus is on: the plights of those traumatically affected by ISIS, troubled juvenile offenders, and military personnel from all branches, including the special operations community. The Marxes are "high risk" humanitarians with successful missions in the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Asia. Victor and Eileen have been married for 30 years, and have 5 children and 1 grandchild.

Victor Marx

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