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Up Close and Personal with Zig, Part 2

Guest: Zig Ziglar

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Up Close and Personal with Zig, Part 2

Guest: Zig Ziglar

Up Close and Personal with Zig, Part 1

Guest: Zig Ziglar

Making Marriage Last

Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley


Senior Living Ministries

February 9, 2017

Can anyone be a good leader?

A rich businessman once held a dinner party to which Calvin Coolidge had been invited. After Coolidge left, the man remarked that he thought Coolidge would one day make a good president of ...

February 7, 2017

How to rest in God's grace

There’s a story about a student at Cambridge University in England who entered the classroom on exam day and asked the proctor to bring him cakes and ale. The proctor refused, and couldn’

February 2, 2017

How to handle disagreements among the Body

Veteran American League baseball umpire Bill Guthrie was working behind the plate one afternoon, and the catcher for the visiting team was repeatedly protesting his calls. Guthrie endured ...

January 31, 2017

The eternal significance of your short life

Lady Nancy Astor was the first woman ever to be seated in the British House of Commons. She predictably encountered a good amount of male antagonism, but she was also capable of giving it ...

January 26, 2017

What man can’t do

Think about all the incredible inventions man has created over the generations. Which ones are the best? Perhaps you’re partial to the flushing toilet – a great one – or the telep

January 24, 2017

Avoiding the cancer of concealed sin

Robert Wood Johnson, former chairman of Johnson & Johnson, had a reputation for being especially stringent when he inspected his manufacturing plants. One day, a plant manager got a tip ...

January 19, 2017

Where to turn in dark days

A man was sitting beside his young son’s bed. His son had been diagnosed with a fatal kidney disease, and his time was growing short. As the boy lay dying, the man picked up his journal and ...

January 12, 2017

How can you promote unity in the body?

A man and his wife were walking through a park in Miami one afternoon when they saw a Cuban family enjoying a picnic. The family was tossing scraps of bread to a raccoon and saying ...