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The Path of Endurance

Guest: Elisabeth Elliot Gren

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The Path of Endurance

Guest: Elisabeth Elliot Gren

Lasting Ever: Faith, Music, Family and Being Found By True Love, Part 2

Guest: Rebecca St. James and Cubbie Fink

Lasting Ever: Faith, Music, Family and Being Found By True Love, Part 1

Guest: Rebecca St. James and Cubbie Fink


Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson
Dr. James Dobson is the Founder Chairman of the James Dobson Family Institute. He has an earned Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees.

November 2, 2015

Implications of Early Development in Girls

What are the implications of early versus late sexual development for girls? Is one more beneficial than the other? The early onset of puberty presents children and their parents with ...

October 5, 2015

Marital Compromises

Minister Neville Chamberlain and other national leaders had understood the folly of appeasement in 1936-39. Every time they offered Adolph Hitler another Czechoslovakia to tranquilize his ...

September 28, 2015

The Fine Art of Conversation

Are you tired of those one-word answers your child or teenager gives in response to your questions? You ask how well he played in soccer practice, and he says, Fine. You wonder how he got ...

September 21, 2015

Attack of the Killer Hormones

What is the process by which a happy, cooperative, twelve-year-old boy or girl suddenly turns into a sullen, depressed thirteen-year-old? It happens in almost every family...

September 14, 2015

Parents: Its the Simple Things That Count

You dont have to spend huge amounts of money to have a meaningful family life. Children love the most simple, repetitive kinds of activities. They want to be read the same stories hundreds ...

August 28, 2015

The Pride Roadblock

Pride is terribly destructive to human relationships. It may be the sin that God hates most, because there are more than one hundred references to it in Scripture. Proverbs 6:1719 describes ...

August 9, 2015

Men, Women, and Aging

Several months ago, I was driving my car near our home with my son and daughter and Ryan's three-year-old friend, Kevin. As we turned a corner we drove past a very old man who was so bent ...

August 1, 2015

Expectations of God in Tough Times

I've often heard that God will not abandon us when we go through the fiery trial. But I don't know what that really means. You've shown that He still lets us go through some hard times. ...