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Glorifying God in our Daily Lives, Part 2

Guest: Paul Blair

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Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson
Dr. James Dobson is the Founder Chairman of the James Dobson Family Institute. He has an earned Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees.

February 18, 2021

Who Ever Said The Christian Life Is Easy?

Where did we get the notion that the Christian life is a piece of cake? Where is the evidence for the "name it, claim it" theology that promises God will skip along in front of us with His ...

February 15, 2021

Don't Hurt The Ones You Love

Do you enjoy teasing your wife? When you're with friends, do you occasionally reveal an embarrassing secret about her? One key to building trust is to take great care not to hurt or ...

February 4, 2021

Creating a Legacy For Your Family

I have found great wisdom in the adage, "That which you own will eventually own you!" Having surrendered my hard-earned dollars for a new object only obligates me to maintain and protect ...

January 18, 2021

Quantity And Quality Time—Your Child Needs Both From You

The old debate about which is best for your children, "quantity time" or "quality time," shouldnt be a debate at all. Its not the quantity of time that you spend with your children, it's ...

December 8, 2020

A Different Kind of Christmas in 2020

Part one in our series "How To Make Home For The Holidays in 2020 Happier." This holiday season will be different, very different. Amidst the delicious smells, beautiful sights and ...

December 7, 2020

Accept the Unresolvables

Some wives will discover that they are married to a mate who will never be able to fully express himself or understand the needs that I have described. His emotional structure makes it ...

December 7, 2020

Who Won't Be Home for the Holidays?

Part two in our series "How To Make Home For The Holidays in 2020 Happier." Being home for the holidays is the sweetest longing we all have, so the song says. But this Christmas, many ...

December 4, 2020

Raising Boys in the Postmodern Age

There are several major social problems that account for much of the trouble facing boys and their parents today. One of which is called postmodernism, which helps explain further how ...